Normally, summary, a shortened version of the original, is used to highlight the major points from genuine subject and help the audience get the gist in a short period of time. Now summary is available in XMind.

You can easily add, edit, adjust and delete existed summary in XMind easily. Here's how:

To add summary:

  1. Select targeted topics.
    • You can use following ways to add summary:
    • Choose "Insert > Summary" on the menu.
    • Use shortcut key "Ctrl+]" to add summary.
    • Right-click mouse, and choose "Summary" in the context menu.
    • Enter the summary content in summary topic.
    • You can create the subtopics of summary topic via clicking "Tab" key.
    • Move the slides at the top and bottom of summary to change the scale.


To change summary properties:

  1. Select a summary.
  2. Open the properties view.
  3. You can change the following properties:
    • Summary Line Style, color.
    • Summary Topic Text, Line, Shape, Structure and etc.

Summary Properties

To delete existed summary:

  1. Select a summary.
  2. Click "Delete" on the keyboard.

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