XMind allows users to easily insert factors and behaviors into spreadsheet, and include multiple topics - complete with individual appearances and structures - within each cell. A set of complex factors and behaviors that impact final measures are exhibited in perpendicular rows and columns. This enables the in-depth analysis of strengths and weaknesses, and provides a clear, easy-to-interpret view of different lines of thinking.

spreadsheet in XMind:


Here are basic operations in spreadsheet:

Column and Row:

Row topic is the main topic, and Column name is the label in mind map and other structures.

Two manners to Add Column:

Two manners to Add Row:

Edit column, row topic:

Cell topic:

Cell topic has the same operations with topics in mind map and other structures.

Two manners to Add Cell topic with same level:

Cell topic struture:

  1. Select cell topic.
  2. Open properties view.
  3. Select structure in the drop-down structure list.


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