A spell checker is automatically invoked as users type text into XMind topics. The misspelled words are marked with a red underline. Right-click on the word, you can replace it with the suggested words, or add this word to your dictionary.

Spell checker

You can change more settings via following steps:

  1. Choose 'Window > Preferences' on the menu.
  2. Select 'Spelling'.
  3. You can see following check boxes:
    • Enable spell checking
    • Ignore words like "XMind"
    • Ignore words like "MangoSoftware"
    • Ignore words like "http://www.XMind.org/"
    • Ignore words like "XMind2008"
    • Ignore sentences that starts with an lower case letter

Spell Check Preference

Note: Spell checker is also available in the rich text notes.


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