Merge maps can help you organize the information, plan, knowledge. You can merge another map into the current map. Let's make an example: we hope to merge map A with B together.

  1. Open Map A.
  2. Choose 'Tools > Merge..' on the menu to Open the merge dialog.
  3. Select Map B.
  4. Click 'OK' and you can see the merged map.

Merge Rules

  1. Map A and Map B should has been both opened in XMind.
  2. There is no difference to merge Map A to Map B, or merge Map B to Map A.
  3. Map A and Map B can be in different workbooks.
  4. Topics with the same text content in the same level under the same parent will be treated as same topics, where information inside the one on Map A will be replaced by those on Map B.
  5. Topics with different text contents will be treated as different topics. If a topic on Map B has no same topic on Map A, then it will be copied to Map A under the same parent.
  6. Click "Ctrl+Z" can cancel this merge process.


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