The Powerful Filter offers tremendous productivity improvements for large, complex map. Filtering allows users to make only specific portions of map content visible, based on certain topic attributes such as markers and labels, to facilitate faster information review and understanding.

You can easily do quick filter, advanced filter, and move filter. Here's how:


To Quick filter:

  1. Click the 'no filter'No Filter on the bottom of XMind editor.
  2. Select "Suprise" marker in the drop-down list drop-down list to filter the topic as example.
  3. The marked topic(s) will be displayed highlight, and "No Filter" will be instead by "Filter: Surprise"Surprise.
  4. Click Filter:Surpriseto adjust lightness.
    • More Lightness
    • Less Lightness

To Advanced filter:

  1. Open Filter View.
  2. Select the marker(s) and/or label(s).
  3. The topic(s) added selected marker(s) and/or label(s) will be displayed highlight.
  4. By using the view toolbar, you can.
    • Remove filter.
    • Increase or Reduce the lightness of filter effect.
    • Choose "Show other marked Topics", or"Show other labeled Topics" in drop-down menu.

 Filter View

To Move Filter with two manners:

Note: By using quick filter, you can select one marker every time.

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