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Use of StateAwareSignature is now deprecated. - Support for Java 11's NamedParameterSpec class has been added (using reflection) to the EC and EdEC KeyPairGenerator implementations.- Version update to 1.63 * Defects Fixed: - The ASN.1 parser would throw a large object exception for some objects which could be safely parsed. - GOST3412-2015 CTR mode was unusable at the JCE level. - The DSTU MACs were failing to reset fully on doFinal(). - The DSTU MACs would throw an exception if the key was a multiple of the size as the MAC's underlying buffer size. - EdEC and QTESLA were not previously usable with the post Java 9 module structure. - ECNR was not correctly bounds checking the input and could produce invalid signatures. - ASN.1: Enforce no leading zeroes in OID branches (longer than 1 character). - TLS: Fix X448 support in JcaTlsCrypto. - Fixed field reduction for secp128r1 custom curve. - Fixed unsigned multiplications in X448 field squaring. - Some issues over subset Name Constraint validation in the CertPath analyser - TimeStampResponse.getEncoded() could throw an exception if the TimeStampToken was null. - Unnecessary memory usage in the ARGON2 implementation has been removed. - Param-Z in the GOST-28147 algorithm was not resolving correctly. - It is now possible to specify different S-Box parameters for the GOST 28147-89 MAC. * Additional Features and Functionality: - QTESLA is now updated with the round 2 changes. Note: the security catergories, and in some cases key generation and signatures, have changed. The round 1 version is now moved to org.bouncycastle.pqc.crypto.qteslarnd1, this package will be deleted in 1.64. Please keep in mind that QTESLA may continue to evolve. - Support has been added for generating Ed25519/Ed448 signed certificates. - A method for recovering the message/digest value from an ECNR signature has been added. - Support for the ZUC-128 and ZUC-256 ciphers and MACs has been added to the provider and the lightweight API. - Support has been added for ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD mode from RFC 7539. - Improved performance for multiple ECDSA verifications using same public key. - Support for PBKDF2withHmacSM3 has been added to the BC provider. - The S/MIME API has been fixed to avoid unnecessary delays due to DNS resolution of a hosts name in internal MimeMessage preparation. - The valid path for EST services has been updated to cope with the characters used in the Aruba clearpass EST implementation. - Version update to 1.62 * Defects Fixed: - DTLS: Fixed infinite loop on IO exceptions. - DTLS: Retransmission timers now properly apply to flights monolithically. - BCJSSE: setEnabledCipherSuites ignores unsupported cipher suites. - BCJSSE: SSLSocket implementations store passed-in 'host' before connecting. - BCJSSE: Handle SSLEngine closure prior to handshake. - BCJSSE: Provider now configurable using security config under Java 11 and later. - EdDSA verifiers now reject overly long signatures. - XMSS/XMSS^MT OIDs now using the values defined in RFC 8391. - XMSS/XMSS^MT keys now encoded with OID at start. - An error causing valid paths to be rejected due to DN based name constraints has been fixed in the CertPath API. - Name constraint resolution now includes special handling of serial numbers. - Cipher implementations now handle ByteBuffer usage where the ByteBuffer has no backing array. - CertificateFactory now enforces presence of PEM headers when required. - A performance issue with RSA key pair generation that was introduced in 1.61 has been mostly eliminated. * Additional Features and Functionality: - Builders for X509 certificates and CRLs now support replace and remove extension methods. - DTLS: Added server-side support for HelloVerifyRequest. - DTLS: Added support for an overall handshake timeout. - DTLS: Added support for the heartbeat extension (RFC 6520). - DTLS: Improve record seq. behaviour in HelloVerifyRequest scenarios. - TLS: BasicTlsPSKIdentity now reusable (returns cloned array from getPSK). - BCJSSE: Improved ALPN support, including selectors from Java 9. - Lightweight RSADigestSigner now support use of NullDigest. - SM2Engine now supports C1C3C2 mode. - SHA256withSM2 now added to provider. - BCJSSE: Added support for ALPN selectors (including in BC extension API for earlier JDKs). - BCJSSE: Support 'SSL' algorithm for SSLContext (alias for 'TLS'). - The BLAKE2xs XOF has been added to the lightweight API. - Utility classes added to support journaling of SecureRandom and algorithms to allow persistance and later resumption. - PGP SexprParser now handles some unprotected key types. - NONEwithRSA support added to lightweight RSADigestSigner. - Support for the Ethereum flavor of IES has been added to the lightweight API. - Version update to 1.61 * Defects Fixed: - Use of EC named curves could be lost if keys were constructed. via a key factory and algorithm parameters. - RFC3211WrapEngine would not properly handle messages longer than 127 bytes. - The JCE implementations for RFC3211 would not return null AlgorithmParameters. - TLS: Don't check CCS status for hello_request. - TLS: Tolerate unrecognized hash algorithms. - TLS: Tolerate unrecognized SNI types. - Incompatibility issue in ECIES-KEM encryption in cofactor fixed. - Issue with XMSS/XMSSMT private key loading which could result in invalid signatures fixed. - StateAwareSignature.isSigningCapable() now returns false when the key has reached it's maximum number of signatures. - The McEliece KeyPairGenerator was failing to initialize the underlying class if a SecureRandom was explicitly passed. - The McEliece cipher would sometimes report the wrong value on a call to Cipher.getOutputSize(int). - CSHAKEDigest.leftEncode() was using the wrong endianness for multi byte values. - Some ciphers, such as CAST6, were missing AlgorithmParameters implementations. - An issue with the default "m" parameter for 1024 bit Diffie-Hellman keys which could result in an exception on key pair generation has been fixed. - The SPHINCS256 implementation is now more tolerant of parameters wrapped with a SecureRandom and will not throw an exception if it receives one. - A regression in PGPUtil.writeFileToLiteralData() which could cause corrupted literal data has been fixed. - Several parsing issues related to the processing of CMP PKIPublicationInfo. - The ECGOST curves for id-tc26-gost-3410-12-256-paramSetA and id-tc26-gost-3410-12-512-paramSetC had incorrect co-factors. * Additional Features and Functionality: - The qTESLA signature algorithm has been added to PQC light-weight API and the PQC provider. - The password hashing function, Argon2 has been added to the lightweight API. - BCJSSE: Added support for endpoint ID validation (HTTPS, LDAP, LDAPS). - BCJSSE: Added support for 'useCipherSuitesOrder' parameter. - BCJSSE: Added support for ALPN. - BCJSSE: Various changes for improved compatibility with SunJSSE. - BCJSSE: Provide default extended key/trust managers. - TLS: Added support for TLS 1.2 features from RFC 8446. - TLS: Removed support for EC point compression. - TLS: Removed support for record compression. - TLS: Updated to RFC 7627 from draft-ietf-tls-session-hash-04. - TLS: Improved certificate sig. alg. checks. - TLS: Finalised support for RFC 8442 cipher suites. - Support has been added to the main Provider for the Ed25519 and Ed448 signature algorithms. - Support has been added to the main Provider for the X25519 and X448 key agreement algorithms. - Utility classes have been added for handling OpenSSH keys. - Support for processing messages built using GPG and Curve25519 has been added to the OpenPGP API. - The provider now recognises the standard SM3 OID. - A new API for directly parsing and creating S/MIME documents has been added to the PKIX API. - SM2 in public key cipher mode has been added to the provider API. - The BCFKSLoadStoreParameter has been extended to allow the use of certificates and digital signatures for verifying the integrity of BCFKS key stores.- Package also the bcpkix bcpg bcmail bctls artifacts in separate sub-packages - Revert to building with source/target 6, since it is still possible - Added patch: * bouncycastle-javadoc.patch + fix javadoc build- Version update to 1.60 bsc#1100694: * CVE-2018-1000613 Use of Externally-ControlledInput to Select Classes or Code * CVE-2018-1000180: issue around primality tests for RSA key pair generation if done using only the low-level API [bsc#1096291] * Release notes: Version update to 1.59: * CVE-2017-13098: Fix against Bleichenbacher oracle when not using the lightweight APIs (boo#1072697). * CVE-2016-1000338: Fix DSA ASN.1 validation during encoding of signature on verification (boo#1095722). * CVE-2016-1000339: Fix AESEngine key information leak via lookup table accesses (boo#1095853). * CVE-2016-1000340: Fix carry propagation bugs in the implementation of squaring for several raw math classes (boo#1095854). * CVE-2016-1000341: Fix DSA signature generation vulnerability to timing attack (boo#1095852). * CVE-2016-1000342: Fix ECDSA ASN.1 validation during encoding of signature on verification (boo#1095850). * CVE-2016-1000343: Fix week default settings for private DSA key pair generation (boo#1095849). * CVE-2016-1000344: Remove DHIES from the provider to disable the unsafe usage of ECB mode (boo#1096026). * CVE-2016-1000345: Fix DHIES/ECIES CBC mode padding oracle attack (boo#1096025). * CVE-2016-1000346: Fix other party DH public key validation (boo#1096024). * CVE-2016-1000352: Remove ECIES from the provider to disable the unsafe usage of ECB mode (boo#1096022). * Release notes: - Removed patch: * ambiguous-reseed.patch- Build with source and target 8 to prepare for a possible removal of 1.6 compatibility- Version update to 1.58 - Added patch: * ambiguous-reseed.patch + Upstream fix for an ambiguous overload- Set java source and target to 1.6 to allow building with jdk9- New build dependency: javapackages-local - Fixed requires - Spec file cleaned- Version update to 1.54: * No obvious changelog to be found * Fixes bnc#967521 CVE-2015-7575- Version update to 1.53 (latest upstream) * No obvious changelog * Fixes bnc#951727 CVE-2015-7940- Fix build with new javapackages-tools- Disable tests on obs as they hang- Version bump to 1.50 to match Fedora - Cleanup with spec-cleanersheep28 16222008481.64- -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// ERROR: Stdin has more than one entry--rest ignored (Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract Java archive data (JAR))directoryHTML document, ASCII textASCII textXML 1.0 document, ASCII text, with very long linesPPPPPPRRZx,A Putf-89896f97be9922a12e9de8bbb7764e95a1ba193f68f013cb5da1b18019ee314af? 7zXZ !t/ ]"k%{?ݥ$7_\q57SgFb. 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