libkImageAnnotator0_2_1-0.2.1-bp153.2.2.1<>,xa'4!M@eee(E}hҏb+Wdj'ed#mĻs !rx<.|xYP`ICECBiӠ=J}ON|t aք f_mMlX֜\V:\K-,禺J6OA呿Uz Zp*.(s[蹧BŞtpkӇP$dگƛ͈|Gx2; ]+->v]&o\ѱC?o>}oH:mjT>@?d  , Gx| ( . 4 @  ((89:> @ F G H I X Y \$]0^lbccdeflu0v<wxyzP`djClibkImageAnnotator0_2_10.2.1bp153.2.2.1Tool for annotating imageskImageAnnotator is a tool for annotating images.a'4sheep85 SUSE Linux Enterprise 15openSUSEGPL-2.0-or-laterhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Libraries ȘF~A큤a'3a'3^    /sbin/ldconfig/sbin/^H^V]^?@^@\@Fabian Vogt Martin Hauke Martin Hauke Martin Hauke Андрей Алыпов - Add patches to fix building against libkImageAnnotator: * 0001-Don-t-use-lowercase-Qt-keywords-in-public-headers.patch * 0001-Improve-kcolorpicker-linking.patch - Update URLs to new location on GitHub - Match the full soversion in %files to prevent mismatches- Update to version 0.2.1 Fixes: * Edit border around text box doesn't disappear when done with editing. * Edit border not shown under Windows when NoFillNoBorder selected for Text Tool. * Drawing text tool rect from right to left and bottom top create no rect. * Text Tool FillType selection not saved. * Icons not scaled with HiDPI. * Text Cursor not show on Linux.- Update to version 0.2.0 New: * Edit text box content. * Panning image by holding space or mouse middle button and dragging. * Change annotation element config after drawing. Changed: * Increase blur level so that large text is not visible. * Crop widget updates shows via cursor if something is movable. * Multi-tool buttons select current (last) tool on single click. Fixed: * Unable to select number annotation when clicking on the number without background. * Ctrl Modifier stuck on second or third screenshot with Ctrl-N. * Undo/Redo is now disabled during crop and scale operation. * Mess with russian letters in text tool when typing in Russian. * Text tool does not allow me to type accents. * Highlighter rect and ellipse have only border but no fill. * Saved tool selection not loaded on startup. * On startup does not highlight tool, when this tool not the first item in the list. * Cursor image cannot be grabbed for moving. * Accents still not work in text tool on Linux.- Package stable release, version 0.1.0 - Add license file- initial package (version 0.0.2) for openSUSE/sbin/ldconfig/sbin/ldconfigsheep85 -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=40a2f72ffe7d7aaa2725f93ebef17d1af7ee5a30, strippeddirectoryASCII textPRRR R R RRRRRRRR RRRRRRR OR>yʐLdutf-8772f67244caa6f0255e72197b44a0279a4e29c9c8d8ea24087ea043c83d9d8b0?7zXZ !t/P]"k%PEAPƃ~xï ? @X29뚃x;e '8͖P[ j,lsL3OW+- TrY]GV:w--`L<4iރ~w59l83x/ /ANi{Tw%ɡ~`(3$Rr]5%/y"FQԫ>ɶ q5/>7sp$`.3 '$9)!{Cҍ9:tn`пr#?I]ED ȭo[[{|˟`.kftoCak<9j:Л>"{,-P.qHd:zo-M D :&w1)#=3ƉWMP ,( 7=roOf2~fo4[ @ܾu$ Ik0މ 4;3Kb@IuʀzJӅscv20$^nez鼌bc %}]6PIeRҵxgkvFhy ,;5U=crp)Nj#_0Sd%c* j EhQrea٭ ^Ex.~Ӌ"[aEY)9(( 3}"d`&S[WS54&j_C@ 眦 Rmy[\CrSUGkIد=z"p #bޥp>DZt$`V"TTNJY?L&q"`*Hnz3>y8O;e$Wnه^/U%KjFc?{3Wp=]vN%VTFPR^/(mD{AdzJ\'A5S dűW7wrQ:F|д\O"FNz76("Eux،~\If8]{TUN y ˟e`믷@gu #e}Ǖ 1DZߖfJi I[\09{X&sjby }k[-4ߣ*QB+K;Pel׶QGgF|V o &O[[F5ΗC7jx{m/ /<ӂe@|eZ\th1S,F 31Ѱ@πh>SD_)A5*੄jg-#ީt?uWJ&JllVQ<0+\Y,cz~+ʡT 1CbLqbMX y]'.F&Wة*oܸ H&5H6{+"Ory!FHCJj="4.gGE<\ v3xӎ>4]Rq޼(et-h"rwWk /|{$HG4Dg(q)1qCjcŒ•}[/: 3Cݶ YZ