brltty-utils-6.0-lp152.2.3.1<>,/؉_B\/=„}9@e(N?R@f 9 'DynT/!&B2b-NuߛE6,+Q"3$eGsX$ \Fh+;Z] 90`й %ms&ߍmBI["ըx,Z 9dG &"zmU ^U)@JgH'"NT@'7|Ugg9#U;뛲 5axM* O|Yy%QX A>>&?&d  Ex|       <(89@:,F# G#H#$I#,X#0Y#8\#X]#`^#ob#c$7d$e$f$l$u$v$w&x&y&$ z&H&X&\&b&Cbrltty-utils6.0lp152.2.3.1Braille display driver for Linux/UnixBRLTTY is a background process (daemon) which provides access to the Linux/Unix console (when in text mode) for a blind person using a refreshable braille display. It drives the braille display and provides complete screen review functionality. This package contain various utilities related to BRLTTY._B\lamb74`PopenSUSE Leap 15.2openSUSELGPL-2.1-or-laterhttp://bugs.opensuse.orgSystem/Daemons 0큤_BM_BH884ef24c10105aeafa14b8e31c7397d27e73297db1fd2a39866c3a57c75008dcdd4b430b1d614cb1e7cc43db9314bdd003c5c6f399f821a1bf84c930771ee33erootrootrootrootbrltty-6.0-lp152.2.3.1.src.rpmbrltty-utilsbrltty-utils(x86-64)@@@@@@@@@]] #\@\w@ZZkZ1@ZLZ&@YKYJYm@Y:XXX@X lWWڍ@Wf@WV@TTY@T@ThTCMichael Gorse ro@suse.deDominique Leuenberger olaf@aepfle.demgorse@suse.comro@suse.dealoisio@gmx.comaloisio@gmx.commgorse@suse.comcbosdonnat@suse.commgorse@suse.comolaf@aepfle.deolaf@aepfle.detchvatal@suse.commgorse@suse.comolaf@aepfle.demgorse@suse.comolaf@aepfle.demgorse@suse.commgorse@suse.comjengelh@inai.demgorse@suse.commgorse@suse.comp.drouand@gmail.comp.drouand@gmail.comLed Add coreutils and util-linux to post requires (boo#1177656).- change udev rule again to also not automatically use the braille driver for USB IDs 10c4:ea60 and 10c4:ea80 as these are generic IDs of generic UART bridges and should not be used for higher level devices (bsc#1093378, bsc#1093455, bsc#1007652)- BuildRequire pkgconfig(libsystemd) instead of systemd-devel: allow OBS to shortcut by using systemd-devel-mini.- Use alsa API properly. Consumers are expected to use instead of . This is in preparation of an change to pkgconfig(alsa) to not pollute CFLAGS with -I/usr/include/alsa anymore (bsc#1130333) brltty-alsa.patch- Update to version 6.0: + Too many changes; please read ChangeLog : - Rebased brltty-5.5-systemd-install.patch - api_version is now 0.7.0, and sover is now 0_7 - brltty-systemd-wrapper now installs into /usr/libexec - Pass libexecdir in configure - LICENSE-GPL no longer exists - Package binaries new in 6.0- use brltty.path for systemd macros (boo#1074096 again)- Use correct license- Update to version 5.6 * General updates: + BRLTTY has been relicensed to the LGPL (from the GPL). + Better cursor routing handling of status line updates and vertical scrolling. + The Track Screen Scroll setting has been added. + The Word Wrap setting has been added. + Panning left when using a contraction table now word wraps. + Typing dismisses an alert message. + The test for when INFO does text maximization instead has been fixed. + Overrides are now applied when the preferences haven't yet been saved. + The Inceptor braille driver (from Innovision) has been added. * The Baum braille driver: + On models with B9 and B10 by the joystick, both are interpreted as Space. + Input packet handling for Pronto! V3 models has been fixed. * The EuroBraille braille driver: + Improved autodetection when using Bluetooth. + The Esytime braille keyboard can be used over Bluetooth and USB. + For Esytime models, B5 has been renamed to B8. * The HIMS braille driver: + The Smart Beetle is now recognized when using Bluetooth. * The HumanWare braille driver: + The BrailleNote Touch is recognized when using USB. * BrlAPI changes: + The version is now 0.6.7 (it was 0.6.6). + The brlapi_getModelIdentifier() function has been added to the API. + The default character set is now based on the user's locale. + Sessions would occasionally hang when connecting. + PolKit authentication is no longer attempted when it isn't available. + Reading raw key codes no longer uses key ranges. * Text tables: + The lt (Lithuanian) table has been updated. + The uk (Ukrainian) table has been added. * Contraction tables: + The fr-abrege (French) table has been updated. + The lt (Lithuanian) table has been added. + Support has been added for LibLouis tables. + brltty-ctb's output is now UTF-8 (rather than ASCII). * Key tables: + The ifPlatform and ifNotPlatform directives have been added. * Systemd changes: + Path (rather than target) units are now used to manage BRLTTY instances. * Build features: + Add the reload target to the make files for Systemd and Udev. + A make file for install/uninstall of the AppStream rules has been added. + Python 3.6 is supported. - Use espeak-ng when available- Fix %pre, %post, and %postun: brltty.service is now brltty@.service (boo#1074096).- Drop python2 dependency (fate#323526)- Update to version 5.5 + HandyTech's Actilino is supported. + HumanWare's Braille Note Touch is supported. + The Orbit 20 is supported. + Various other changes; please read ChangeLog : - Drop brltty-udev-rule.patch, brltty-polkit-fixes.patch, brltty-5.0-speechd.diff, brltty-5.4-latex-tables-executable.patch, brltty-braillenote-usb.patch, brltty.format-error.patch, brltty.makedev.patch, and brltty.ocaml.patch: fixed upstream. - Add brltty-5.5-systemd-install.patch: fix systemd service directory on lib64 - polkit policy is now named org.a11y.brlapi.policy - API version is now 0.6.6 - Don't create rcbrltty (why were we symlinking a systemd unit file here? Seems wrong)- Update filename in /var/adm/update-messages to match documentation, and build-compare pattern- Provide caml__frame with brltty.ocaml.patch- Require java-devel >= 1.6 to not fail during bootstrapping- Replace brltty.format-error.patch with the upstream fix; our current patch doesn't appear to be sufficient (boo#1030240).- Add -Wformat to work around build failure (boo#1030240) Add brltty.format-error.patch Add brltty.makedev.patch- Disable udev rule for generic FTDI devices to avoid taking USB-to-serial converters (boo#1007652). Add an update message if one of these devices is detected. - Add a README.SUSE. - Add brltty-polkit-fixes.patch: don't delay brltty if waiting for polkit initialization, and fix polkit+key authentication (bsc#930242). - Add brltty-braillenote-usb.patch: autodetect BrailleNote via USB. - Always enable polkit (intention of the conditional was to disable on 13.2 and 42.1, but it was being disabled under 42.2 as well).- Fix syntax error in rule files brltty-udev-rule.patch- Update to version 5.4 + Too many changes; please read ChangeLog : - Drop b40-1.patch, brltty-polkit.patch, and brltty-5.3.1-udev-systemd.patch: fixed upstream. - Add brltty-5.4-latex-tables-executable.patch: LaTeX tables should be executable. - API version is now 0.6.5 - Install rules file into %{_udevdir}/rules.d - Install systemd files via the Makefile - Make polkit a conditional.- Install polkit file (bsc#930242). - Add brltty-5.3.1-udev-systemd.patch: fix udev rules to work with systemd. From upstream.- Add missing service_add_pre call. Add missing argument to fdupes. - Fix misplacement of /69-brltty.rules in the root directory because pkgconfig(udev) was not requested, which led to _udevdir being the empty string.- Update to version 5.3.1 (fate#320893). + Too many changes; please read ChangeLog : usr/share/doc/packages/brltty/ChangeLog - API version is now 0.6.4 - Require systemd to build - Install brltty-atb, brltty-ktb, and brltty-tune (new binaries) - Add b40-1.patch - fix for invalid packets from a Brailliant - Add brltty-polkit.patch: support polkit-based authentication for brlapi. Install policy file Set polkit as default brlapi authentication mechanism - Install udev rules- Modify systemd service file to correct brltty path (boo#917176).- Add a dependency to python3 for building; brltty fails in his staging project because of mssing python3-xml module- Update to version 5.2 + Too many changes; please read ChangeLog : usr/share/doc/packages/brltty/ChangeLog - API version is now 0.6.3 - Remove obsolete patches; + brltty-python-prefix.patch + brltty-5.1-fix-bashisms.patch- fix bashisms in brltty-install script - add patches: * brltty-5.1-fix-bashisms.patch- Replace xorg-x11-devel by specific individual pkgconfig() buildrequires.lamb74 16061732766.0-lp152. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// 64-bit LSB shared object, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib64/, BuildID[sha1]=433459ff03387c92cff9ff3d9b9d4b7d9b9af2e3, for GNU/Linux 3.2.0, strippedtroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix) R RRRRRRRRf^hTOg2GAutf-8e358c743bb05136ce6ad1908dd661cd861a21f25dd4566d4b328f7f563bb4db0? 7zXZ !t/:]"k%wkJ4 ;en#f{>d,K;CL/ .^ʓ+c Ḽ`Ō:nB]:A8bnr/zdh_kHs]eTuT?")LeLdd`p"ji<0OtQLXԜY:e _NWbbxSAjo$GV΃p#6\xe{J Z1(%n['iC.YM}[dW֖NV=/њqZi `7^Iu^6?yE ې>}+L㣲B9.2^e~Z@YO*5Oy"ꠠ&^*օ@]^|}sf S2]T?Vw͞(規<ϱw꼼}dw-Ґ +dok=j.vge5$/PQJh3G5<_ܴٟهw)uTږD2Lwe@< {u`7] ˨/Hah!mїvf;=/# Gt`;J`W]UE\cMqTX=ۛ4aTeU(.&9qIFH-n%p€u#A[+52$lI1וbAXm'0ઃkNP cw6^nH2t-g\Xþ,ZLbxw6ta!HGDet >m#U_d.ea1(( 272oH k+X|'ge%uj"]yPVTS!@_-ad@Zb* y dV̺n?Gy4d L}l>VTpY wc2]$cLVxD6kx%hL4&d*je+(ˈ؜IyO`Jw+vPGVc 04 YZ