# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup select 1.0 name python3_select version 0.1 revision 0 categories sysutils supported_archs noarch configure.cxx_stdlib license BSD maintainers nomaintainer description Common files for selecting default Python 3 version long_description This port installs files that allow 'port select' \ to create links to the preferred default version \ of Python 3. homepage https://www.macports.org/ distfiles use_configure no build {} destroot {} # Documentation for Python 3 ports: # PortGroup select 1.0 # set pythonNoDot python[string map {. {}} $branch] # select.entries [list python3 python3-$pythonNoDot $pythonNoDot] if {$subport eq $name} { select.entries {python3 base} \ {python3 none} platform darwin { set apple_pythons [ if {${os.major} == 19} { list python37-apple \ python38-apple } elseif {${os.major} == 20} { list python38-apple } ] foreach python $apple_pythons { select.entries-append [list python3 {*}$python] } } } foreach p {38 39 310 311 312 313} { subport python3_select-${p} { set pyver $p } } if {$subport ne $name} { revision 1 platforms any depends_run port:python3_select select.entries [list python3 python${pyver} python${pyver}] pre-activate { if {[file exists ${prefix}/etc/select/python3/python${pyver}]} { set owner [registry_file_registered ${prefix}/etc/select/python3/python${pyver}] if {[string match python${pyver}* $owner]} { registry_deactivate_composite $owner "" [list ports_nodepcheck 1] } } } } livecheck.type none