# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup golang 1.0 go.setup github.com/abiosoft/colima 0.6.10 v github.tarball_from archive revision 0 description Run Kubernetes and Docker containers with minimal setup long_description {*}{ Colima allows running Docker, containerd and Kubernetes locally with minimal setup. It supports port forwarding, volume mounts and multiple instances. On initial startup, Colima initiates with a user specified runtime that defaults to Docker. } categories sysutils emulators installs_libs no license MIT maintainers {gmail.com:herby.gillot @herbygillot} \ {macports.halostatue.ca:austin @halostatue} \ openmaintainer checksums rmd160 65431f9b2b95b022ec4a14367d344b2d3ea3faa7 \ sha256 619b87083826e97291d29254562c50bbc8c945099fa1d0b582896669c0338b1d \ size 608988 depends_run port:lima go.offline_build no build.pre_args-append \ -ldflags \" \ -X ${go.package}/config.appVersion=${github.tag_prefix}${version} \ -X ${go.package}/config.revision= \ \" build.args ./cmd/${name} destroot { xinstall -m 0755 ${worksrcpath}/${name} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin/ # install completion for various shells set bash_completions_dir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/bash-completion/completions set fish_completions_dir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/fish/vendor_completions.d set zsh_completions_dir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/zsh/site-functions xinstall -d ${bash_completions_dir} ${fish_completions_dir} ${zsh_completions_dir} system "${worksrcpath}/${name} completion bash > ${bash_completions_dir}/${name}" system "${worksrcpath}/${name} completion fish > ${fish_completions_dir}/${name}.fish" system "${worksrcpath}/${name} completion zsh > ${zsh_completions_dir}/_${name}" } notes { If upgrading from Colima 0.5.6 or earlier, both colima instances and profiles must be deleted and recreated. Colima 0.6.8 addresses several CVEs. Newly created colima instances are automatically patched. Existing instances should upgrade manually: colima ssh -- \ sh -c "sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y containerd.io" }