# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup app 1.0 PortGroup legacysupport 1.0 # uses getline legacysupport.newest_darwin_requires_legacy 10 name geda-gaf epoch 1 version 1.10.2 revision 2 set branch [join [lrange [split ${version} .] 0 1] .] platforms darwin categories science electronics maintainers {mark @markemer} openmaintainer license GPL-2+ description gEDA/gaf - gschem and friends long_description The gEDA project has produced and continues working on a \ full GPL'd suite and toolkit of Electronic Design Automation \ tools. These tools are used for electrical circuit design, \ schematic capture, simulation, prototyping, and production. \ This package is the smallest subset of the gEDA Suite that is \ directly maintained by gEDA Project founders. homepage http://www.geda-project.org/ master_sites http://ftp.geda-project.org/geda-gaf/stable/v${branch}/${version} checksums rmd160 68507c0978cf4736e38eea5806393dc830a0f45a \ sha256 e862ab241528538fa3bee2739261f568011102b60c5e39a2f0358663c042c8a4 \ size 14441491 compiler.c_standard 1999 depends_build \ port:pkgconfig \ bin:groff:groff depends_lib \ path:lib/pkgconfig/gtk+-2.0.pc:gtk2 \ port:guile-2.2 \ port:libffi \ port:python27 patchfiles-append \ fix-st_mtim.patch \ fix-strchrnul.patch \ dynamic_lookup-11.patch post-patch { reinplace {s|python2 >= 2\.7|python-2.7 >= 2.7|g} ${worksrcpath}/xorn/configure reinplace {s|guile-2\.0 >= 2\.0\.10|guile-2.2 >= 2.0.10|g} ${worksrcpath}/xorn/configure } configure.args-append \ --disable-update-xdg-database \ --without-libfam configure.env-append GUILE=${prefix}/bin/guile-2.2 configure.env-append GUILE_SNARF=${prefix}/bin/guile-snarf-2.2 destroot.destdir DESTDIR=${destroot}/ variant enable_xdg description {enable XDG database update} { depends_lib-append port:desktop-file-utils configure.args-delete --disable-update-xdg-database post-destroot { file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/applications/mimeinfo.cache file delete ${destroot}${prefix}/share/mime/XMLnamespaces } post-activate { system ${prefix}/bin/update-desktop-database } } app.create yes app.name gEDA-gaf app.executable gschem app.icon libgeda/docs/logo.png app.retina yes livecheck.type regex livecheck.url http://wiki.geda-project.org/geda:download livecheck.regex ${name}-(\[0-9\]+\\.\[0-9\]*\[02468\](\\.\[0-9\]+)*)${extract.suffix}