# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup muniversal 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.0 github.setup nexusformat HDF5-External-Filter-Plugins 0.1.0 v revision 11 categories science platforms darwin license BSD MIT maintainers {@eborisch eborisch} openmaintainer description Provides dynamically loadable (compression) filters for HDF5 long_description ${description}. Filters for bitshuffle, bzip2, and lz4 are \ included. See also \ http://www.hdfgroup.org/services/filters.html for \ more information. checksums \ rmd160 6724d20763725fe59d04329d5069e2943eec99cb \ sha256 3da58e714b94d2e1bffbf52a6b64952733874ef383c23a1ad08cd01cc69f28f9 \ size 943586 variant optimized { # Bitshuffle code has sse and AVX implementations configure.cxxflags-append -march=native } depends_lib-append port:hdf5 \ port:lz4 \ port:bzip2 configure.args-append -DENABLE_BZIP2_PLUGIN=ON \ -DENABLE_LZ4_PLUGIN=ON \ -DENABLE_BITSHUFFLE_PLUGIN=ON \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR=${prefix}/lib/hdf5 post-patch { if {${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} > 13} { reinplace -E "s^#define (hton|ntoh)ll.*^^" LZ4/src/H5Zlz4.c } reinplace -E "s^(set.*CMAKE_INSTALL_PLUGINDIR.*)plugins^\\1hdf5^" \ CMakeLists.txt foreach x {LZ4 bitshuffle BZIP2} { reinplace "s/MODULE/SHARED/" ${x}/src/CMakeLists.txt } } post-destroot { set DDIR ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name}/ file mkdir ${DDIR} copy ${worksrcpath}/resources/LICENSE.txt ${DDIR} foreach libn {lz4 bshuf bz2} { set libpath ${prefix}/lib/hdf5/libh5${libn}.dylib system "install_name_tool -id ${libpath} ${destroot}${libpath}" } } notes \ "To enable, use (with H5Pset_filter()):\n filter_id = 307 for bzip2\n\ filter_id = 32004 for lz4\n\ filter_id = 32008 for bitshuffle\n\n\ To enable use from Matlab, or other tools expecting the default HDF5 plugin\ path, create the required symbolic link:\n \ mkdir -p /usr/local/hdf5/lib\n \ ln -s ${prefix}/lib/hdf5 /usr/local/hdf5/lib/plugin"