# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name gpsd version 3.25 revision 0 categories net license BSD maintainers {michaelld @michaelld} \ {fwright.net:fw @fhgwright} \ openmaintainer platforms darwin description GPS service daemon long_description GPSD is a service daemon that handles GPSes and other \ navigation-related sensors reporting over USB, serial, \ TCP/IP, or UDP connections and presents reports in \ a well-documented JSON format. The package also \ includes a number of clients which can be run against \ a local GPSD or a GPSD on another machine. homepage https://gpsd.io master_sites savannah checksums rmd160 9e2f36c5eb7fd888241da57a69765dd80493d064 \ sha256 b368b6a305e3f7a6382d23a0cbfc1d78923060b6b7f54cf7987a73c7b4a9afc2 \ size 5225194 livecheck.type regex livecheck.url https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/gpsd/ livecheck.regex "${name}-(\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)*)${extract.suffix}" # GPSD requires Python 2.6, 2.7, or 3.2+. # We skip 2.6, 3.2, and 3.3, but keep 2.7 and 3.4+. # Some variants may force a more restricted list. # set pythons_suffixes {27 34 35 36 37 38 39 310 311 312} set pythons_ports {} foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} { lappend pythons_ports python${s} } proc dotted_ver {nodot} { return [string index ${nodot} 0].[string range ${nodot} 1 99] } foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} { set p python${s} set v [dotted_ver ${s}] set i [lsearch -exact ${pythons_ports} ${p}] set c [lreplace ${pythons_ports} ${i} ${i}] variant ${p} description "Build ${name} to use Python ${v}" conflicts {*}${c} "" } # default to +python312 set pyver_no_dot "312" foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} { if {[variant_isset python${s}]} { set pyver_no_dot ${s} } } default_variants +python${pyver_no_dot} # make sure some python variant is selected set pyver_no_dot "" foreach s ${pythons_suffixes} { if {[variant_isset python${s}]} { set pyver_no_dot ${s} } } pre-fetch { if {${pyver_no_dot} eq ""} { ui_error "\n\nYou must select one of the Python variants (+pythonXY).\n" return -code error "Invalid Python variant selection" } } set pyver_dotted [dotted_ver ${pyver_no_dot}] # NOTE: All Python dependencies which are conceptually depends_run actually # need to be depends_lib, since the build procedure references them, usually # just to verify their existence. # # The py-serial dependency is a "soft" dependency in that the programs that # use it can still operate with reduced functionality without it, but it's # a sufficiently lightweight dependency that it's not worth making optional. depends_lib-append port:python${pyver_no_dot} \ port:py${pyver_no_dot}-serial configure.python ${prefix}/bin/python${pyver_dotted} depends_lib-append port:ncurses depends_build-append port:scons \ port:pkgconfig \ port:docbook-xml-4.1.2 \ port:asciidoctor # Python 3.12+ has deprecated distutils, which is needed by the build. # It remains available via setuptools, so we add the dependency. # This requirement has not yet been fixed upstream. if {${pyver_no_dot} >= 312} { depends_build-append port:py${pyver_no_dot}-setuptools } use_configure no use_xcode yes set cxx_stdlibflags {} if {[string match *clang* ${configure.cxx}] && ${configure.cxx_stdlib} ne ""} { set cxx_stdlibflags -stdlib=${configure.cxx_stdlib} } build.cmd ${prefix}/bin/scons build.target build.args prefix=${prefix} \ target_python=${configure.python} \ python_shebang=${configure.python} \ qt=no \ usb=no \ strip=no \ dbus_export=no \ xgps=no build.env-append "CC=${configure.cc} [get_canonical_archflags cc]" \ CFLAGS=${configure.cflags} \ "CXX=${configure.cxx} [get_canonical_archflags cxx] ${cxx_stdlibflags}" \ CXXFLAGS=${configure.cxxflags} \ LDFLAGS=${configure.ldflags} # Allow the regression tests to be run via "port test gpsd". # # The speed of the daemon tests is highly dependent on the WRITE_PAD value, # but values that are too low may cause spurious test failures. Due to some # recent improvements, 1ms is now believed to be adequate on the Mac, and is # the current upstream default. If needed, this value can be overridden with # WRITE_PAD=XXX on the command line, but only if WRITE_PAD is included in # extra_env in macports.conf. In all cases, the WRITE_PAD value in use is # reported by the test framework and is visible with -v. # # UPDATE: The default 1ms WRITE_PAD currently seems to be marginal, so we # default it to 3ms. # # The test phase duplicates the arguments and environment (except WRITE_PAD) # from the build phase, mainly to avoid gratuitous rebuilds between the phases. # # The GPSD build procedure supports parallel tests, but there's no built-in # MacPorts support for parallel tests, nor is there a test.jobs variable, so # we just augment test.cmd with build.jobs. # test.run yes test.cmd ${build.cmd} -j${build.jobs} test.target testregress test.args {*}${build.args} test.env-append {*}${build.env} if { [info exists ::env(WRITE_PAD)] } { test.env-append WRITE_PAD=$::env(WRITE_PAD) } else { test.env-append WRITE_PAD=0.003 } destroot.args {*}${build.args} destroot.post_args destroot.env-append {*}${build.env} DESTDIR=${destroot} # Although GPSD has successfully been built with Qt5 at one time, that build # is currently broken. Until the build issue is sorted out, Qt support is # limited to Qt4. # variant qt description {Build Qt4 bindings} { PortGroup qt4 1.0 build.args-replace qt=no qt=yes test.args-replace qt=no qt=yes destroot.args-replace qt=no qt=yes } variant libusb \ description {Include support for better USB device discovery} { depends_lib-append path:lib/pkgconfig/libusb-1.0.pc:libusb build.args-replace usb=no usb=yes test.args-replace usb=no usb=yes destroot.args-replace usb=no usb=yes } variant dbus description {Include support for DBUS} { depends_lib-append port:dbus-glib build.args-replace dbus_export=no dbus_export=yes test.args-replace dbus_export=no dbus_export=yes destroot.args-replace dbus_export=no dbus_export=yes } # The xgps programs recusively require a massive set of dependencies, # so we make them optional. # variant xgps \ description {Include xgps/xgpsspeed X11 clients (dependency-intensive)} { depends_lib-append port:py${pyver_no_dot}-cairo \ port:py${pyver_no_dot}-gobject3 \ path:lib/pkgconfig/gtk+-3.0.pc:gtk3 build.args-replace xgps=no xgps=yes test.args-replace xgps=no xgps=yes destroot.args-replace xgps=no xgps=yes } # The upstream build script installs xgps* even with xgps=no. # Although the files aren't large, installing programs which either fail # or opportunistically work is undesirable, so we remove them. # Similarly, we exclude the manpages for the nonexistent programs. # if {![variant_isset xgps]} { post-destroot { delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/xgps" delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/xgpsspeed" delete "${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/xgps.1" delete "${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/xgpsspeed.1" } } # The gpsplot program recusively requires a massive set of dependencies, # so we make it optional. This currently has no upstream equivalent. if {${pyver_no_dot} == 27 || ${pyver_no_dot} > 37} { variant plot \ description {Include gpsplot client (dependency-intensive)} { depends_lib-append port:py${pyver_no_dot}-matplotlib } } # In the absence of the 'plot' variant, we remove the program and manpage. # if {![variant_isset plot]} { post-destroot { delete "${destroot}${prefix}/bin/gpsplot" delete "${destroot}${prefix}/share/man/man1/gpsplot.1" } }