# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name argyll version 3.2.0 revision 0 checksums rmd160 4a28f7827c471e059ba06e26755ed33fd9c34978 \ sha256 4861ab87b41618fb6706843099aad2cc649115634dee1e60738792387b371176 \ size 14690714 categories graphics maintainers nomaintainer license AGPL-3 description Argyll Color Management System long_description ArgyllCMS is an ICC compatible color management \ system. It supports accurate ICC profile creation for scanners, cameras \ and film recorders, and calibration and profiling of displays and RGB \& \ CMYK printers. Argyll includes a general purpose ICC V2 profile format \ access library, icclib, and a general purpose CGATS file format I/O library. homepage https://www.argyllcms.com/ master_sites ${homepage} use_zip yes distname Argyll_V${version}_src worksrcdir Argyll_V${version} depends_build port:jam depends_lib-append path:include/turbojpeg.h:libjpeg-turbo depends_lib-append port:libpng depends_lib-append path:lib/pkgconfig/libusb-1.0.pc:libusb depends_lib-append port:tiff depends_lib-append port:zlib patchfiles-append patch-ppc.diff post-extract { # To make sure that in case of problems the build will fail instead # of silently falling back to the built-in versions: delete ${worksrcpath}/jpeg delete ${worksrcpath}/png delete ${worksrcpath}/tiff delete ${worksrcpath}/usb delete ${worksrcpath}/zlib } use_configure no configure.ldflags-append \ -ljpeg -lpng -ltiff -lusb-1.0 -lz build.env-append HAVE_JPEG=true build.env-append HAVE_PNG=true build.env-append HAVE_TIFF=true build.env-append HAVE_Z=true HAVE_ZLIB=true build.env-append "PREF_CCFLAGS=${configure.cflags} [get_canonical_archflags]" build.env-append "PREF_LINKFLAGS=${configure.ldflags} [get_canonical_archflags]" destroot.env {*}${build.env} destroot.destdir DESTDIR=${worksrcpath} post-destroot { # Install documentation. xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} xinstall -m 644 -W ${worksrcpath} \ License.txt License2.txt License3.txt log.txt ReadMe.txt \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} system "cp -r ${worksrcpath}/doc/* \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} && \ find ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644 && \ find ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc/${name} -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755" # Install binaries delete ${worksrcpath}/bin/License.txt xinstall -m 755 {*}[glob ${worksrcpath}/bin/*] \ ${destroot}${prefix}/bin # Install references xinstall -m 755 -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}/ref xinstall -m 644 {*}[glob ${worksrcpath}/ref/*] \ ${destroot}${prefix}/share/${name}/ref # xinstall does not remove 'quarantine' attribute; # do that manually. fs-traverse fixfile ${destroot} { if {[exec xattr -l ${fixfile}] != ""} { system "xattr -d com.apple.quarantine ${fixfile}" } } } # conflicts with num-utils on ${prefix}/bin/average conflicts-append num-utils livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage}downloadsrc.html livecheck.regex Argyll_V(\[0-9.]+)_src${extract.suffix}