# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup cmake 1.1 name supertuxkart version 1.4 revision 0 categories games license GPL-3+ maintainers nomaintainer description Tux racing game long_description SuperTuxKart is a Free 3D kart racing game, with many tracks, characters, and items for you to try. distname SuperTuxKart-${version}-src use_xz yes homepage https://supertuxkart.net/ checksums rmd160 3fd69526d79dc70392e3e4f8319a4996c23091ae \ sha256 9890392419baf4715313f14d5ad60746f276eed36eb580636caf44e2532c0f03 \ size 650010456 master_sites sourceforge:project/${name}/SuperTuxKart/${version} # Remove Homebrew and -arch flag cruft patchfiles-append patch-supertuxkart-cmake.diff # fatal error: 'IOSurface/IOSurfaceRef.h' file not found patchfiles-append patch-supertuxkart-iosurfaceref.diff # Need a C++14 compatible compiler in order to resolve: # error: chosen constructor is explicit in copy-initialization compiler.cxx_standard 2014 platform darwin { post-patch { reinplace "s|10\.9|${macosx_deployment_target}|g" ${worksrcpath}/data/SuperTuxKart-Info.plist } } set python.branch 3.11 set python.version [join [split ${python.branch} "."] ""] depends_build-append \ port:pkgconfig depends_lib-append \ port:curl \ port:freetype \ port:fribidi \ port:glew \ path:lib/pkgconfig/harfbuzz.pc:harfbuzz \ path:include/turbojpeg.h:libjpeg-turbo \ port:libogg \ port:libpng \ port:libsamplerate \ port:libsdl2 \ port:libvorbis \ port:mbedtls \ port:openal-soft \ port:python${python.version} \ port:sqlite3 \ port:squish \ port:zlib configure.args-append -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE_DIRS=${prefix}/include/freetype2 \ -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${prefix}/bin/python${python.branch} \ # don't use OpenSSL, use mbedtls to avoid distribution issues. configure.args-append -DUSE_CRYPTO_OPENSSL=OFF # System Bluetooth headers don't work with modern compilers on Snow Leopard # IOBluetoothHostController.h:42:29: error: unsafe_unretained property 'delegate' may not also be declared __weak if { ${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} <= 10 } { configure.args-append -DUSE_WIIUSE=OFF } if { ${os.platform} eq "darwin" && ${os.major} <= 14 } { # No Metal, https://trac.macports.org/ticket/67263 patchfiles-append patch-supertuxkart-no-metal.diff configure.args-append -DDLOPEN_MOLTENVK=ON } # suppress warning gl.h and gl3.h are both included configure.cppflags-append -DGL_DO_NOT_WARN_IF_MULTI_GL_VERSION_HEADERS_INCLUDED destroot { move ${workpath}/build/bin/supertuxkart.app ${destroot}${applications_dir} file delete ${destroot}${applications_dir}/supertuxkart.app/Contents/Resources/data move ${worksrcpath}/data ${destroot}${applications_dir}/supertuxkart.app/Contents/Resources/ } livecheck.type sourceforge livecheck.regex "supertuxkart-((\\d+(\\.)*)+)-src\\.tar\\.xz"