# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 PortGroup muniversal 1.0 PortGroup github 1.0 PortGroup compiler_blacklist_versions 1.0 github.setup intel tbb 2020.3 v revision 1 categories devel maintainers nomaintainer license Apache-2 description Intel Threading Building Blocks offers a rich and complete approach \ to parallelism in C++ long_description {*}${description} \ It represents a higher-level, task-based parallelism that abstracts \ platform details and threading mechanisms for scalability and performance homepage https://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org/ github.tarball_from tarball # avoid stealth update due to using legacy tarball master_sites macports_distfiles checksums rmd160 64fd69e42540ef8968d9a3e36cb23816ca9de647 \ sha256 131d249f3132f643738d71e37162e4ac73f96bdb5064ccd35f03967fdf9b477e \ size 2640358 use_configure no # Force a compatible compiler compiler.blacklist-append \ {clang < 602} {macports-clang-3.[0-7]} # install it into libexec to avoid conflict with onetbb port prefix ${prefix}/libexec/${name} set tbb_arch(arm64) arm64 set tbb_arch(i386) ia32 set tbb_arch(ppc) ppc32 set tbb_arch(ppc64) ppc64 set tbb_arch(x86_64) intel64 if {![info exists tbb_arch(${configure.build_arch})]} { set tbb_arch(${configure.build_arch}) ${configure.build_arch} } if {[string match *clang* ${configure.compiler}]} { set tbb_compiler clang } else { set tbb_compiler gcc } set tbb_build_prefix macports patchfiles patch-tbb-older-malloc.diff build.env-append \ CONLY=${configure.cc} \ CPLUS=${configure.cxx} post-patch { # http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/topic/505370 reinplace "/ -dynamiclib/s|$| -install_name ${prefix}/lib/\$@|g" ${worksrcpath}/build/macos.${tbb_compiler}.inc } build.target tbb tbbmalloc tbbproxy build.args-append compiler=${tbb_compiler} \ stdlib=${configure.cxx_stdlib} \ tbb_build_prefix=${tbb_build_prefix} \ use_proxy=1 test.run yes test.target test test.args-append ${build.args} if {${universal_possible} && [variant_isset universal]} { foreach arch ${configure.universal_archs} { set merger_build_args(${arch}) arch=$tbb_arch(${arch}) set merger_test_args(${arch}) arch=$tbb_arch(${arch}) } } else { build.args-append arch=$tbb_arch(${configure.build_arch}) test.args-append arch=$tbb_arch(${configure.build_arch}) } # The Makefile does not have an install target. # http://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/topic/347428 destroot.dir ${worksrcpath}/build/${tbb_build_prefix}_release destroot { # fix paths reinplace -W ${destroot.dir} "s|\\(TBBROOT.\\)\".*\"|\\1\"${prefix}\"|g" tbbvars.sh tbbvars.csh reinplace -W ${destroot.dir} "s|\\(tbb_bin.\\)\".*\"|\\1\"${prefix}/lib\"|g" tbbvars.sh tbbvars.csh # copy lib, include & bin copy {*}[glob ${destroot.dir}/lib*.dylib] ${destroot}${prefix}/lib copy {*}[glob ${destroot.dir}/tbbvars.*sh] ${destroot}${prefix}/bin copy ${worksrcpath}/include/tbb ${destroot}${prefix}/include/tbb # copy examples & docs xinstall -d ${destroot}${prefix}/share/ copy ${worksrcpath}/doc ${destroot}${prefix}/share/doc copy ${worksrcpath}/examples ${destroot}${prefix}/share/examples } livecheck.type none notes " More recent versions are released as oneTBB and are packaged in the new 'onetbb' port This version is installed into ${prefix}/libexec/${name} "