# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name nbench-byte version 2.2.3 revision 1 categories benchmarks maintainers nomaintainer description Linux/Unix port of BYTEmark long_description \ nbench is a port of the BYTEmark benchmark program. These \ are Native Mode (a.k.a. Algorithm Level) tests\; benchmarks \ designed to expose the capabilities of a system's CPU, FPU, \ and memory system. homepage https://www.tux.org/~mayer/linux/bmark.html platforms darwin master_sites ftp://ftp.tux.org/pub/tux/mayer/ \ http://www.tux.org/~mayer/linux/ checksums md5 285dfab361080759d477ea1fe7d3093a \ sha1 f2a03c56dc2bf26e478c2a1828debcafd83983ef patchfiles patch-Makefile.diff use_configure no use_parallel_build no build.target build.args CC=${configure.cc} destroot { xinstall -m 755 ${worksrcpath}/nbench ${destroot}${prefix}/bin file mkdir ${destroot}${prefix}/share/nbench xinstall -m 444 ${worksrcpath}/NNET.DAT ${destroot}${prefix}/share/nbench xinstall -m 444 ${worksrcpath}/README ${destroot}${prefix}/share/nbench xinstall -m 444 ${worksrcpath}/README.motorola ${destroot}${prefix}/share/nbench xinstall -m 444 ${worksrcpath}/README.nonlinux ${destroot}${prefix}/share/nbench xinstall -m 444 ${worksrcpath}/README.submit ${destroot}${prefix}/share/nbench xinstall -m 444 ${worksrcpath}/RESULTS ${destroot}${prefix}/share/nbench xinstall -m 444 ${worksrcpath}/bdoc.txt ${destroot}${prefix}/share/nbench } post-install { ui_msg "" ui_msg "One of the benchmarks (neural network) requires the file" ui_msg "${prefix}/share/nbench/NNET.DAT to be in the same directory" ui_msg "that you start nbench from." } if {${build_arch} ne ""} { build.env-append CFLAGS=${configure.cc_archflags} } livecheck.type regex livecheck.regex {nbench-byte-([0-9.]+)\.tar\.gz}