# -*- coding: utf-8; mode: tcl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=tcl:et:sw=4:ts=4:sts=4 PortSystem 1.0 name DiskJockey version 2.1 checksums rmd160 5a3735730c87cbec6c42c6a09574b44578905f1e \ sha256 a27ddaf46a1deee57da30dfcd47530b09b80d45fd293e0c745af6c1251698f7d \ size 7737747 if {${subport} eq ${name}} { revision 0 } subport djjr { revision 0 } categories aqua maintainers {ryandesign @ryandesign} openmaintainer description program for creating, analyzing, and converting \ disk images for emulators and devices like \ BlueSCSI and RaSCSI long_description ${name} is a macOS GUI application that can create \ disk images of arbitrary size or using presets for \ vintage Mac models, partitioned and with drivers \ installed, ready for use with devices like \ BlueSCSI and RaSCSI. It can also show the contents \ of HFS and MFS disk images and convert disk images \ between formats. The companion command line \ utility djjr is available in a separate port. homepage https://bluescsi.onegeekarmy.eu/diskjockey/ master_sites https://bluescsi.onegeekarmy.eu/files/ distname Disk-Jockey-v${version} use_zip yes extract.mkdir yes use_configure no variant universal {} # The pre-compiled app is built for these architectures. supported_archs arm64 x86_64 set appname {Disk Jockey} set app ${appname}.app build { if {${subport} eq ${name}} { set files [list ${app}/Contents/MacOS/${appname}] } else { set files [list ${subport}] } if {![variant_exists universal] || ![variant_isset universal]} { foreach file ${files} { system -W ${worksrcpath} \ "lipo -thin ${configure.build_arch} [shellescape ${file}] -output [shellescape ${file}]" } } } if {${subport} eq ${name}} { destroot { copy ${worksrcpath}/${app} ${destroot}${applications_dir} } } elseif {${subport} eq "djjr"} { description command line disk image builder long_description \ Disk Jockey Jr is a disk image builder that runs on the command line. homepage ${homepage}#disk-jockey-jr-djjr depends_extract-append \ bin:gunzip:gzip \ bin:xar:xar post-extract { system -W ${worksrcpath} "xar -xf [shellescape "${app}/Contents/SharedSupport/${appname} Jr.pkg"] Payload" system -W ${worksrcpath} "gunzip -c Payload | cpio -idmu --quiet usr/local/bin/${subport}" move ${worksrcpath}/usr/local/bin/${subport} ${worksrcpath}/${subport} delete ${worksrcpath}/usr } destroot { copy ${worksrcpath}/${subport} ${destroot}${prefix}/bin } } if {${os.platform} ne "darwin" || ${os.major} < 15} { known_fail yes pre-fetch { ui_error "${subport} @${version} requires OS X 10.11 or greater" return -code error "incompatible OS X version" } } if {${subport} eq ${name}} { livecheck.type regex livecheck.url ${homepage} livecheck.regex {>Disk Jockey v([0-9.]+)<} } else { livecheck.type none }