Letter P

packagedb-cli - A CLI for pkgdb

Website: https://fedorahosted.org/packagedb-cli/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
packagedb-cli is a command line interface of the well-known
packagedb of the Fedora project.

It allows you to manage the ACL for your packages as well
as requesting new ACL for new packages.
It also allows you to orphan and/or retire your package(s).


packagedb-cli-2.12-1.el7.noarch [60 KiB] Changelog by Pierre-Yves Chibon (2016-03-17):
- Update to 2.12
- Improved README for running pkgdb-cli/admin from the sources
- Ensure the fedora-review flag has been touched when processing a new package
- Fix creating new packages with monitoring and koschei statuses provided

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