Letter L

libabigail - Set of ABI analysis tools

Website: https://sourceware.org/libabigail/
License: LGPLv3+
Vendor: Fedora Project
The libabigail package comprises five command line utilities: abidiff,
abipkgdiff, abicompat, abidw and abilint.  The abidiff command line
tool compares the ABI of two ELF shared libraries and emits meaningful
textual reports about changes impacting exported functions, variables
and their types.  abipkgdiff compares the ABIs of ELF binaries
contained in two packages.  abicompat checks if a subsequent version
of a shared library is still compatible with an application that is
linked against it.  abidw emits an XML representation of the ABI of a
given ELF shared library. abilint checks that a given XML
representation of the ABI of a shared library is correct.

Install libabigail if you need to compare the ABI of ELF shared


libabigail-1.0-0.8.rc3.1.el7.ppc64 [1007 KiB] Changelog by Dodji Seketeli (2016-03-25):
- Bump pseudo epoch to 0.8 so that we have: 1.0-0.8.rc3.1

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7