Letter 3

389-admin - 389 Administration Server (admin)

Website: http://port389.org/
License: GPLv2 and ASL 2.0
Vendor: Fedora Project
389 Administration Server is an HTTP agent that provides management features
for 389 Directory Server.  It provides some management web apps that can
be used through a web browser.  It provides the authentication, access control,
and CGI utilities used by the console.


389-admin-1.1.42-1.el7.ppc64 [395 KiB] Changelog by Noriko Hosoi (2015-06-10):
- bump version to 1.1.42 
- Ticket 47548 - register-ds-admin - silent file incorrectly processed 
- Ticket 47493 - Configuration Tab does not work with FIPS mode enabled 
- Ticket 48186 - register-ds-admin.pl script prints clear text password in the terminal 
- Ticket 47548 - register-ds-admin.pl fails to set local bind DN and password 
- Ticket 47467 - Improve Add CRL/CKL dialog and errors 
- Ticket 48171 - remove-ds-admin.pl removes files in the rpm 
- Ticket 48153 - [adminserver] support NSS 3.18

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7