Letter P

pootle - Localization and translation management web application

Website: http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/pootle/index
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
Pootle is web application for managing distributed or crowdsourced

It's features include::
  * Translation of Gettext PO and XLIFF files.
  * Translation of monolingual files (subtitles, Java properties, etc)
  * Submitting to remote version control systems (VCS).
  * Managing groups of translators
  * Online webbased or offline translation
  * Quality checks


pootle-2.1.6-1.el6.noarch [3.0 MiB] Changelog by Dwayne Bailey (2011-04-16):
- Update to 2.1.6
- Ensure compatability with Django 1.2.5 and 1.3.0 (require Translate
  Toolkit >= 1.9.0)
- Other fixes:
  - Fixed another bug with GNU style projects language detection.
  - Added a separate project type for UTF-8 encoded Java properties.
  - Fixed a bug that would under rare conditions hide some strings from
    translate page.
  - Fixed a bug that caused some translation project level statistics
    to be miscalculated.
  - Fix for Qt TS format based on changes in Translate Toolkit 1.9.0

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7