Letter M

munin - Network-wide graphing framework (grapher/gatherer)

Website: http://munin-monitoring.org/
License: GPLv2
Vendor: Fedora Project
Munin is a highly flexible and powerful solution used to create graphs
of virtually everything imaginable throughout your network, while still
maintaining a rattling ease of installation and configuration.

This package contains the grapher/gatherer. You will only need one instance of
it in your network. It will periodically poll all the nodes in your network
it's aware of for data, which it in turn will use to create graphs and HTML
pages, suitable for viewing with your graphical web browser of choice.

Munin is written in Perl, and relies heavily on Tobi Oetiker's excellent

Creaete a munin web user after installing:
htpasswd -bc /etc/munin/munin-htpasswd MUNIN_WEB_USER PASSWORD


munin-2.0.25-11.el6.noarch [198 KiB] Changelog by "D. Johnson" (2016-03-12):
- Moved /sbin/service to pre-systemd as well
- BZ# 1312121 - Munin dynamic graph zoom (dynazoom) failing due to Apache config.
- BZ# 1210767 - At least one file seems corrupt in version 2.0.25-2 and earlier
- BZ# 1269230 - hddtemp_smartctl fails to parse temperature from output

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7