Letter F

fail2ban - Ban IPs that make too many password failures

Website: http://fail2ban.sourceforge.net/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Fedora Project
Fail2ban scans log files like /var/log/pwdfail or
/var/log/apache/error_log and bans IP that makes too many password
failures. It updates firewall rules to reject the IP address.

To use the hostsdeny and shorewall actions you must install tcp_wrappers
and shorewall respectively.


fail2ban-0.9.4-2.el6.noarch [444 KiB] Changelog by Orion Poplawski (2016-03-09):
- Fix mariadb/mysql log handling

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7