Letter A

adobe-source-code-pro-fonts - A set of mono-spaced OpenType fonts designed for coding environments

Website: http://sourceforge.net/projects/sourcecodepro.adobe
License: OFL
Vendor: Fedora Project
This font was designed by Paul D. Hunt as a companion to Source Sans. It has
the same weight range as the corresponding Source Sans design.  It supports
a wide range of languages using the Latin script, and includes all the
characters in the Adobe Latin 4 glyph set.


adobe-source-code-pro-fonts-1.017-3.el6.noarch [270 KiB] Changelog by Matt Rose mattrose@folkwolf.net - 1.017-3 (2013-09-13):
- rebuilt on fedora 19

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-4.el7