function Set-WindowsUpdates { <# .Synopsis Function to change Windows updates configuration on many computers .Description Function will change Windows Updates configuration on many computers to either disable updates, check only, download only, or download and automatically install updates. .Parameter ComputerName Name(s) of computer(s) to change their Windows updates config .Parameter Options The following are the 4 valid options: NoCheck: Never check for updates CheckOnly: Check for updates but let me choose wether to download and install them DownloadOnly: Download updates but let me choose whether to install them Install: Install updates automatically .Example Set-WindowsUpdates This example will set Windows Automatic Updates on the local computer to 'Install updates automatically' .Example Set-WindowsUpdates -ComputerName VMM01 -Options CheckOnly This example will set Windows Automatic Updates on computer 'VMM01' to 'Check for updates but let me choose wether to download and install them' .Example Set-WindowsUpdates -ComputerName (Get-Content ".\Computers.txt") -Options DownloadOnly -Verbose This example will set Windows Automatic Updates on computers listed in the file ".\Computers.txt" to 'Download updates but let me choose whether to install them' .Example Set-WindowsUpdates -ComputerName ((Get-ADComputer -Filter * ).Name) -Options Install This example will set Windows Automatic Updates on all computers in AD to 'Install updates automatically' .Example $VMs = (Get-VM -ComputerName "HVHost01" | Where { $_.State -eq "Running" }).VMName Set-WindowsUpdates -ComputerName $VMs -Options CheckOnly This example will set Windows Automatic Updates on all running VMs on the Hyper-V Host "HVHost01" to 'Check for updates but let me choose wether to download and install them' .Link .Notes Function by Sam Boutros v1.0 - 09/21/2014 v1.1 - 09/25/2015 - corrected bug - missing invoke cmdlet #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true,ConfirmImpact='Medium')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, ValueFromPipeLine=$true, ValueFromPipeLineByPropertyName=$true, Position=0)] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [String[]]$ComputerName = "$env:COMPUTERNAME", [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)] [ValidateSet("NoCheck","CheckOnly","DownloadOnly","Install")] [String[]]$Options = "Install" ) $k = 0 switch ($Options) { "NoCheck" { $AuOptions = 1; $Op = "Never check for updates" } "CheckOnly" { $AuOptions = 2; $Op = "Check for updates but let me choose wether to download and install them" } "DownloadOnly" { $AuOptions = 3; $Op = "Download updates but let me choose whether to install them" } "Install" { $AuOptions = 4; $Op = "Install updates automatically" } } $Key = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) { try { $k++ $Progress = "{0:N0}" -f ($k*100/$ComputerName.count) Write-Progress -Activity "Processing computer $Computer ... $k out of $($ComputerName.count) computers" ` -PercentComplete $Progress -Status "Please wait" -CurrentOperation "$Progress% complete" Write-Verbose "Setting Windows Automatic Updates on computer '$Computer' to '$Op'" $Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop try { Invoke-Command -Session $Session -ScriptBlock { Set-ItemProperty -Path $using:Key -Name "AUOptions" -Value $using:AuOptions -Force -Confirm:$false Set-ItemProperty -Path $using:Key -Name "CachedAUOptions" -Value $using:AuOptions -Force -Confirm:$false } Write-Output "Windows Automatic Updates on computer '$Computer' has been set to '$Op'" } catch { Write-Warning "Failed to set Windows Automatic Updates on computer '$Computer'" } Remove-PSSession -Session $Session } catch { Write-Warning "Computer $Computer is offline, does not exist, or cannot be contacted" } } }