Installation: Copy the file (*.xpm.gz) to e.g. /boot/grub/ Then add the following line to your /boot/grub/menu.lst: splashimage=(hd1,0)/boot/grub/blu.xpm.gz Change the (hd1,0) if you have a different setup. Description: The following is needed in your GRUBs menu.lst file, you may need to adjust it depending on your configuration and where you put the downloaded file ------------------------------ #path to the image splashimage=(hd0,6)/boot/grub/splashimages/kubuntu-grub.xpm.gz #the following is used to change the screen colours when splashimage is used # Set text color to RRGGBB foreground FCC34B # Set shadows and selected highlight to RRGGBB #this is NOT the screen background but the text shadow background D24953