


Ctrl+Shift+N Command+Shift+N New Workbook
Ctrl+O Command+O Open Workbook
Ctrl+S Command+S Save Workbook
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Ctrl+W Command+W Close Workbook
Ctrl+Shift+W Command+Shift+W Close All Workbooks
Ctrl+P Command+P Print
Ctrl+Z Command+Z Undo
Ctrl+Y Command+Y Redo
Ctrl+X Command+X Cut
Ctrl+C Command+C Copy
Ctrl+V Command+V Paste
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Ctrl+Home Command+Home Go To Root Topic / Top of Text
Ctrl+A Command+A Select All Topics / Text
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Ctrl+Alt+A Command+Alt+A Select Children Topics
Ctrl+F Command+F Find / Replace
Ctrl++ Command++ Zoom In
Ctrl+- Command+- Zoom Out
Ctrl+0 Command+0 Actual Size
Alt+Enter Alt+Enter Properties
Enter Enter Insert Topic
Tab Tab Insert Subtopic
Shift+Enter Shift+Enter Insert Topic Before
Ctrl+Enter Command+Enter Insert Parent Topic
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Ctrl+I Ctrl+I Insert Images From Local File
Ctrl+H Command+H Insert Hyperlink URL
Ctrl+B Command+B Insert Boundary
Ctrl+L Command+L Insert Relationship
Ctrl+] Command+] Insert Summary
F2 F2 Edit Topic
F3 F3 Edit Label
F4 F4 Edit Rich Text Notes
F5 F5 Presentation Mode
F6 F6 Drill Down
Shift+F6 Shift+F6 Drill Up
F7 F7 Map Shot
+ + Extend Branch
- - Collapse Branch
* * Extend All Branches
/ / Collapse All Branches
Alt+Up Alt+Up Move Selected Forwards
Alt+Down Alt+Down Move Selected Backwards
Ctrl+T Command+T New Sheet
Ctrl+1,2,3,4,5,6 Command+1,2,3,4,5,6 Quick Add Priority Markers
Esc Esc Exit the popup notes dialog/Cancel Map Shot
Ctrl+Mouse Wheel Command+Mouse Wheel Zoom In/Out


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