
XMind supports multiple format export. You can export maps as FreeMind Map, TXT, HTML, Image, and etc. Here's how:

Export Dialog

To Export to FreeMind Map:

  1. Choose 'File > Export' on the menu.
  2. Select FreeMind in the export dialog.
  3. Click 'Next' to continue.
  4. Choose the location by clicking 'Browser'.
  5. Click 'Finish'.

Export to FreeMind

To Export to TXT:

  1. Choose 'File > Export' on the menu.
  2. Select TXT File in the export dialog.
  3. Click 'Next' to continue.
  4. Choose the location by clicking 'Browser'.
  5. Click 'Finish'.

Export to TXT

To Export to HTML:

  1. Choose 'File > Export' on the menu.
  2. Select HTML in the export dialog.
  3. Click 'Next' to continue.
  4. Choose the location by clicking 'Browser'.
  5. Choose if exporting 'Overview', 'Separate Overview', 'Notes', 'Floating Topics', 'Labels', 'Markers', 'Image', 'Relationships',and/or 'Hyperlinks'.
  6. Watch the preview in the preview dialog beside.
  7. Click 'Finish'.

Export to HTML

To Export to Image

  1. Choose 'File > Export' on the menu.
  2. Select Image in the export dialog.
  3. Click 'Next' to continue.
  4. In Export preview, you can do following settings:
    • confirm the name and location of exported file.
    • select the image type, BMP, JPEG, GIF, PNG.
  5. Click 'Finish'.

Export to Image

To Export to XMind 2008 File:

  1. Choose 'File > Export' on the menu.
  2. Select Xmind 2008 Workbook in the export dialog.
  3. Click 'Next' to continue.
  4. Choose the location by clicking 'Browser'.
  5. Click 'Finish'.

Export to XMind 2008 Workbook

To Export the Marker Package:

  1. Choose 'File > Export' on the menu.
  2. Select Marker Package in the export dialog.
  3. Click 'Next' to continue.
  4. Choose the location by clicking 'Browser'.
  5. Click 'Finish'.

Export the Marker Package



You can import two other file formats, FreeMind file and MindManager File, into XMind easily. Here's how:

To import FreeMind file:

  1. Choose 'File > Import' on the menu.
  2. Select 'FreeMind 0.8/0.9' , and click 'Next'.
  3. Browser the file and choose where to import.
  4. Click 'Finish'.

To import MindManager file:

  1. Choose 'File > Import' on the menu.
  2. Select 'MindManger 5/6/7' , and click 'Next'.
  3. Browser the file and choose where to import.
  4. Click 'Finish'.

To import Marker Package:

  1. Choose 'File > Import' on the menu.
  2. Select 'Marker Package' , and click 'Next'.
  3. Browser the .xmp file, Or the local folder which contains image .
  4. Click 'Finish'.

To import XMind 2008 Workbook:

  1. Choose 'File > Import' on the menu.
  2. Select 'XMind 2008 Workbook' , and click 'Next'.
  3. Browser the file and choose where to import.
  4. Click 'Finish'.

Import Menu
Select file Type
Import Dialog


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