Sample scripts: (1) browse.js -- Open and run this script in scriptpad. You will see Tools->Browse menu. Using this you can start your desktop default browser with the given URL. (2) insertfile.js -- Open and run this script in scriptpad. You will see "Tools->Insert File..." menu. Using this you can start insert content of a selected file into currently edited document (3) linewrap.js -- Open and run this script in scriptpad. You will see "Tools->Line Wrap" menu. Using this you can toggle the line wrapping mode of the editor (4) mail.js -- Open and run this script in scriptpad. You will see Tools->Mail menu. Using this you can start your desktop default mail client with the given "To" mail id. (5) memmonitor.js -- This is a simple Monitoring & Management script. To use this, you need an application to monitor. You can use memory.bat or in the current directory to start an application that will be monitored. After that please follow these steps: 1. Start the target application using or memory.bat 2. Start scriptpad 3. Use "Tools->JMX Connect" menu and specify "localhost:1090" to connect 4. Open "memmonitor.js" and run it (using "Tools->Run") in scriptpad 5. A new "Tools-Memory Monitor" menu appears. Use this menu and specify 4 and 500 as threshold and interval values. 6. In the target application shell (where memory.bat/.sh was started), enter an integer value and press "enter". 7. You'll see an alert box from scriptpad -- alerting you for memory threshold exceeded! (6) textcolor.js -- Open and run this script in scriptpad. You will see "Tools->Selected Text Color..." menu. Using this you change the color of "selected text" in the editor.