SwingSet2 demonstrates some of the abilities of the Swing User Interface Toolkit by displaying many of the components in a single showcase application. Use it to try out different components and features provided by Swing. ================================== TO RUN SWINGSET2 AS AN APPLICATION ================================== java -jar SwingSet2.jar ============================= TO RUN SWINGSET2 AS AN APPLET ============================= appletviewer SwingSet2.html ========================= TO MODIFY/BUILD SWINGSET2 ========================= The full source for the SwingSet2 demo can be found in the "src" subdirectory. If you wish to play with the source code and try out your changes, you can compile and run in this "src" directory: javac *.java java SwingSet2 You may notice a difference when running SwingSet from your compiled source (versus running from the packaged JAR file), in that it won't show the splash screen. This is expected, as the splash screen is shown using the java.awt.SplashScreen support, which allows specifying a splash screen image as an attribute in the JAR's manifest file. If you'd like to see the splash screen with your own compiled version, you can package your classes into a JAR and specify the splash screen (as outlined in the java.awt.SplashScreen documentation) or you can specify the splash screen image on the command line: java -splash:resources/images/splash.png SwingSet2 Note: These instructions assume that this installation's versions of the java, appletviewer, and javac commands are in your path. If they aren't, then you should either specify the complete path to the commands or update your PATH environment variable as described in the installation instructions for the Java(TM) SE Development Kit.