# @(#)Stylepad_sv.properties 1.2 01/10/23 # # Resource strings for Stylepad example Title=Stylepad # menubar definition # # Each of the strings that follow form a key to be # used to the actual menu definition. menubar=file edit color font debug # Menu labels colorLabel=Färg Red=Röd Green=Grön Blue=Blå boldLabel=Fet italicLabel=Kursiv # font menu fontLabel=Typsnitt underlineLabel=Understruket strikethroughLabel=Utstruket # # debug Menu definition # debugLabel=Felsökning dumpLabel=Dumpa modellen till System.err showElementTreeLabel=Visa Elementer # toolbar definition # # Each of the strings that follow form a key to be # used as the basis of the tool definition. Actions # are of course sharable, and in this case are shared # with the menu items. boldTooltip=Bold italicTooltip=Italic underlineTooltip=Underline leftTooltip=Vänster Justering centerTooltip=Mitt Justering rightTooltip=Höger Justering