/* * @(#)hprof_io.c 1.56 05/12/06 * * Copyright (c) 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * -Redistribution of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this * list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * -Redistribution in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation * and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of Sun Microsystems, Inc. or the names of contributors may * be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without * specific prior written permission. * * This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. ALL * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED CONDITIONS, REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES, INCLUDING * ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * OR NON-INFRINGEMENT, ARE HEREBY EXCLUDED. SUN MIDROSYSTEMS, INC. ("SUN") * AND ITS LICENSORS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES SUFFERED BY LICENSEE * AS A RESULT OF USING, MODIFYING OR DISTRIBUTING THIS SOFTWARE OR ITS * DERIVATIVES. IN NO EVENT WILL SUN OR ITS LICENSORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST * REVENUE, PROFIT OR DATA, OR FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, * INCIDENTAL OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, HOWEVER CAUSED AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY * OF LIABILITY, ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THIS SOFTWARE, * EVEN IF SUN HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. * * You acknowledge that this software is not designed, licensed or intended * for use in the design, construction, operation or maintenance of any * nuclear facility. */ /* All I/O functionality for hprof. */ /* * The hprof agent has many forms of output: * * format=b gdata->output_format=='b' * Binary format. Defined below. This is used by HAT. * This is NOT the same format as emitted by JVMPI. * * format=a gdata->output_format=='a' * Ascii format. Not exactly an ascii representation of the binary format. * * And many forms of dumps: * * heap=dump * A large dump that in this implementation is written to a separate * file first before being placed in the output file. Several reasons, * the binary form needs a byte count of the length in the header, and * references in this dump to other items need to be emitted first. * So it's two pass, or use a temp file and copy. * heap=sites * Dumps the sites in the order of most allocations. * cpu=samples * Dumps the traces in order of most hits * cpu=times * Dumps the traces in the order of most time spent there. * cpu=old (format=a only) * Dumps out an older form of cpu output (old -prof format) * monitor=y (format=a only) * Dumps out a list of monitors in order of most contended. * * This file also includes a binary format check function that will read * back in the hprof binary format and verify the syntax looks correct. * * WARNING: Besides the comments below, there is little format spec on this, * however see: * http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/guide/jvmpi/jvmpi.html#hprof */ #include "hprof.h" typedef TableIndex HprofId; #include "hprof_ioname.h" #include "hprof_b_spec.h" static int type_size[ /*HprofType*/ ] = HPROF_TYPE_SIZES; static void dump_heap_segment_and_reset(jlong segment_size); static void not_implemented(void) { } static IoNameIndex get_name_index(char *name) { if (name != NULL && gdata->output_format == 'b') { return ioname_find_or_create(name, NULL); } return 0; } static char * signature_to_name(char *sig) { char *ptr; char *basename; char *name; int i; int len; int name_len; if ( sig != NULL ) { switch ( sig[0] ) { case JVM_SIGNATURE_CLASS: ptr = strchr(sig+1, JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDCLASS); if ( ptr == NULL ) { basename = "Unknown_class"; break; } /*LINTED*/ name_len = (jint)(ptr - (sig+1)); name = HPROF_MALLOC(name_len+1); (void)memcpy(name, sig+1, name_len); name[name_len] = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < name_len ; i++ ) { if ( name[i] == '/' ) name[i] = '.'; } return name; case JVM_SIGNATURE_ARRAY: basename = signature_to_name(sig+1); len = (int)strlen(basename); name_len = len+2; name = HPROF_MALLOC(name_len+1); (void)memcpy(name, basename, len); (void)memcpy(name+len, "[]", 2); name[name_len] = 0; HPROF_FREE(basename); return name; case JVM_SIGNATURE_FUNC: ptr = strchr(sig+1, JVM_SIGNATURE_ENDFUNC); if ( ptr == NULL ) { basename = "Unknown_method"; break; } basename = "()"; /* Someday deal with method signatures */ break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_BYTE: basename = "byte"; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_CHAR: basename = "char"; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_ENUM: basename = "enum"; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_FLOAT: basename = "float"; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_DOUBLE: basename = "double"; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_INT: basename = "int"; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_LONG: basename = "long"; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_SHORT: basename = "short"; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_VOID: basename = "void"; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_BOOLEAN: basename = "boolean"; break; default: basename = "Unknown_class"; break; } } else { basename = "Unknown_class"; } /* Simple basename */ name_len = (int)strlen(basename); name = HPROF_MALLOC(name_len+1); (void)strcpy(name, basename); return name; } static int size_from_field_info(int size) { if ( size == 0 ) { size = (int)sizeof(HprofId); } return size; } static void type_from_signature(const char *sig, HprofType *kind, jint *size) { *kind = HPROF_NORMAL_OBJECT; *size = 0; switch ( sig[0] ) { case JVM_SIGNATURE_ENUM: case JVM_SIGNATURE_CLASS: case JVM_SIGNATURE_ARRAY: *kind = HPROF_NORMAL_OBJECT; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_BOOLEAN: *kind = HPROF_BOOLEAN; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_CHAR: *kind = HPROF_CHAR; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_FLOAT: *kind = HPROF_FLOAT; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_DOUBLE: *kind = HPROF_DOUBLE; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_BYTE: *kind = HPROF_BYTE; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_SHORT: *kind = HPROF_SHORT; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_INT: *kind = HPROF_INT; break; case JVM_SIGNATURE_LONG: *kind = HPROF_LONG; break; default: HPROF_ASSERT(0); break; } *size = type_size[*kind]; } static void type_array(const char *sig, HprofType *kind, jint *elem_size) { *kind = 0; *elem_size = 0; switch ( sig[0] ) { case JVM_SIGNATURE_ARRAY: type_from_signature(sig+1, kind, elem_size); break; } } static void system_error(const char *system_call, int rc, int errnum) { char buf[256]; char details[256]; details[0] = 0; if ( errnum != 0 ) { md_system_error(details, (int)sizeof(details)); } else if ( rc >= 0 ) { (void)strcpy(details,"Only part of buffer processed"); } if ( details[0] == 0 ) { (void)strcpy(details,"Unknown system error condition"); } (void)md_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "System %s failed: %s\n", system_call, details); HPROF_ERROR(JNI_TRUE, buf); } static void system_write(int fd, void *buf, int len, jboolean socket) { int res; HPROF_ASSERT(fd>=0); if (socket) { res = md_send(fd, buf, len, 0); if (res < 0 || res!=len) { system_error("send", res, errno); } } else { res = md_write(fd, buf, len); if (res < 0 || res!=len) { system_error("write", res, errno); } } } static void write_flush(void) { HPROF_ASSERT(gdata->fd >= 0); if (gdata->write_buffer_index) { system_write(gdata->fd, gdata->write_buffer, gdata->write_buffer_index, gdata->socket); gdata->write_buffer_index = 0; } } static void heap_flush(void) { HPROF_ASSERT(gdata->heap_fd >= 0); if (gdata->heap_buffer_index) { gdata->heap_write_count += (jlong)gdata->heap_buffer_index; system_write(gdata->heap_fd, gdata->heap_buffer, gdata->heap_buffer_index, JNI_FALSE); gdata->heap_buffer_index = 0; } } static void write_raw(void *buf, int len) { HPROF_ASSERT(gdata->fd >= 0); if (gdata->write_buffer_index + len > gdata->write_buffer_size) { write_flush(); if (len > gdata->write_buffer_size) { system_write(gdata->fd, buf, len, gdata->socket); return; } } (void)memcpy(gdata->write_buffer + gdata->write_buffer_index, buf, len); gdata->write_buffer_index += len; } static void write_u4(unsigned i) { i = md_htonl(i); write_raw(&i, (jint)sizeof(unsigned)); } static void write_u8(jlong t) { write_u4((jint)jlong_high(t)); write_u4((jint)jlong_low(t)); } static void write_u2(unsigned short i) { i = md_htons(i); write_raw(&i, (jint)sizeof(unsigned short)); } static void write_u1(unsigned char i) { write_raw(&i, (jint)sizeof(unsigned char)); } static void write_id(HprofId i) { write_u4(i); } static void write_current_ticks(void) { write_u4((jint)(md_get_microsecs() - gdata->micro_sec_ticks)); } static void write_header(unsigned char type, jint length) { write_u1(type); write_current_ticks(); write_u4(length); } static void write_index_id(HprofId index) { write_id(index); } static IoNameIndex write_name_first(char *name) { if ( name == NULL ) { return 0; } if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { IoNameIndex name_index; jboolean new_one; new_one = JNI_FALSE; name_index = ioname_find_or_create(name, &new_one); if ( new_one ) { int len; len = (int)strlen(name); write_header(HPROF_UTF8, len + (jint)sizeof(HprofId)); write_index_id(name_index); write_raw(name, len); } return name_index; } return 0; } static void write_printf(char *fmt, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); (void)md_vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; write_raw(buf, (int)strlen(buf)); va_end(args); } static void write_thread_serial_number(SerialNumber thread_serial_num, int with_comma) { if ( thread_serial_num != 0 ) { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); if ( with_comma ) { write_printf(" thread %d,", thread_serial_num); } else { write_printf(" thread %d", thread_serial_num); } } else { if ( with_comma ) { write_printf(" ,"); } else { write_printf(" "); } } } static void heap_raw(void *buf, int len) { HPROF_ASSERT(gdata->heap_fd >= 0); if (gdata->heap_buffer_index + len > gdata->heap_buffer_size) { heap_flush(); if (len > gdata->heap_buffer_size) { gdata->heap_write_count += (jlong)len; system_write(gdata->heap_fd, buf, len, JNI_FALSE); return; } } (void)memcpy(gdata->heap_buffer + gdata->heap_buffer_index, buf, len); gdata->heap_buffer_index += len; } static void heap_u4(unsigned i) { i = md_htonl(i); heap_raw(&i, (jint)sizeof(unsigned)); } static void heap_u8(jlong i) { heap_u4((jint)jlong_high(i)); heap_u4((jint)jlong_low(i)); } static void heap_u2(unsigned short i) { i = md_htons(i); heap_raw(&i, (jint)sizeof(unsigned short)); } static void heap_u1(unsigned char i) { heap_raw(&i, (jint)sizeof(unsigned char)); } /* Write out the first byte of a heap tag */ static void heap_tag(unsigned char tag) { jlong pos; /* Current position in virtual heap dump file */ pos = gdata->heap_write_count + (jlong)gdata->heap_buffer_index; if ( gdata->segmented == JNI_TRUE ) { /* 1.0.2 */ if ( pos >= gdata->maxHeapSegment ) { /* Flush all bytes to the heap dump file */ heap_flush(); /* Send out segment (up to last tag written out) */ dump_heap_segment_and_reset(gdata->heap_last_tag_position); /* Get new current position */ pos = gdata->heap_write_count + (jlong)gdata->heap_buffer_index; } } /* Save position of this tag */ gdata->heap_last_tag_position = pos; /* Write out this tag */ heap_u1(tag); } static void heap_id(HprofId i) { heap_u4(i); } static void heap_index_id(HprofId index) { heap_id(index); } static void heap_name(char *name) { heap_index_id(get_name_index(name)); } static void heap_printf(char *fmt, ...) { char buf[1024]; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); (void)md_vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), fmt, args); buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; heap_raw(buf, (int)strlen(buf)); va_end(args); } static void heap_element(HprofType kind, jint size, jvalue value) { if ( !HPROF_TYPE_IS_PRIMITIVE(kind) ) { HPROF_ASSERT(size==4); heap_id((HprofId)value.i); } else { switch ( size ) { case 8: HPROF_ASSERT(size==8); HPROF_ASSERT(kind==HPROF_LONG || kind==HPROF_DOUBLE); heap_u8(value.j); break; case 4: HPROF_ASSERT(size==4); HPROF_ASSERT(kind==HPROF_INT || kind==HPROF_FLOAT); heap_u4(value.i); break; case 2: HPROF_ASSERT(size==2); HPROF_ASSERT(kind==HPROF_SHORT || kind==HPROF_CHAR); heap_u2(value.s); break; case 1: HPROF_ASSERT(size==1); HPROF_ASSERT(kind==HPROF_BOOLEAN || kind==HPROF_BYTE); HPROF_ASSERT(kind==HPROF_BOOLEAN?(value.b==0 || value.b==1):1); heap_u1(value.b); break; default: HPROF_ASSERT(0); break; } } } /* Dump out all elements of an array, objects in jvalues, prims packed */ static void heap_elements(HprofType kind, jint num_elements, jint elem_size, void *elements) { int i; jvalue val; static jvalue empty_val; if ( num_elements == 0 ) { return; } switch ( kind ) { case 0: case HPROF_ARRAY_OBJECT: case HPROF_NORMAL_OBJECT: for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { val = empty_val; val.i = ((ObjectIndex*)elements)[i]; heap_element(kind, elem_size, val); } break; case HPROF_BYTE: case HPROF_BOOLEAN: HPROF_ASSERT(elem_size==1); for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { val = empty_val; val.b = ((jboolean*)elements)[i]; heap_element(kind, elem_size, val); } break; case HPROF_CHAR: case HPROF_SHORT: HPROF_ASSERT(elem_size==2); for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { val = empty_val; val.s = ((jshort*)elements)[i]; heap_element(kind, elem_size, val); } break; case HPROF_FLOAT: case HPROF_INT: HPROF_ASSERT(elem_size==4); for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { val = empty_val; val.i = ((jint*)elements)[i]; heap_element(kind, elem_size, val); } break; case HPROF_DOUBLE: case HPROF_LONG: HPROF_ASSERT(elem_size==8); for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { val = empty_val; val.j = ((jlong*)elements)[i]; heap_element(kind, elem_size, val); } break; } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ void io_flush(void) { HPROF_ASSERT(gdata->header!=NULL); write_flush(); } void io_setup(void) { gdata->write_buffer_size = FILE_IO_BUFFER_SIZE; gdata->write_buffer = HPROF_MALLOC(gdata->write_buffer_size); gdata->write_buffer_index = 0; gdata->heap_write_count = (jlong)0; gdata->heap_last_tag_position = (jlong)0; gdata->heap_buffer_size = FILE_IO_BUFFER_SIZE; gdata->heap_buffer = HPROF_MALLOC(gdata->heap_buffer_size); gdata->heap_buffer_index = 0; if ( gdata->logflags & LOG_CHECK_BINARY ) { gdata->check_buffer_size = FILE_IO_BUFFER_SIZE; gdata->check_buffer = HPROF_MALLOC(gdata->check_buffer_size); gdata->check_buffer_index = 0; } ioname_init(); } void io_cleanup(void) { if ( gdata->write_buffer != NULL ) { HPROF_FREE(gdata->write_buffer); } gdata->write_buffer_size = 0; gdata->write_buffer = NULL; gdata->write_buffer_index = 0; if ( gdata->heap_buffer != NULL ) { HPROF_FREE(gdata->heap_buffer); } gdata->heap_write_count = (jlong)0; gdata->heap_last_tag_position = (jlong)0; gdata->heap_buffer_size = 0; gdata->heap_buffer = NULL; gdata->heap_buffer_index = 0; if ( gdata->logflags & LOG_CHECK_BINARY ) { if ( gdata->check_buffer != NULL ) { HPROF_FREE(gdata->check_buffer); } gdata->check_buffer_size = 0; gdata->check_buffer = NULL; gdata->check_buffer_index = 0; } ioname_cleanup(); } void io_write_file_header(void) { HPROF_ASSERT(gdata->header!=NULL); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { jint settings; jlong t; settings = 0; if (gdata->heap_dump || gdata->alloc_sites) { settings |= 1; } if (gdata->cpu_sampling) { settings |= 2; } t = md_get_timemillis(); write_raw(gdata->header, (int)strlen(gdata->header) + 1); write_u4((jint)sizeof(HprofId)); write_u8(t); write_header(HPROF_CONTROL_SETTINGS, 4 + 2); write_u4(settings); write_u2((unsigned short)gdata->max_trace_depth); } else if ((!gdata->cpu_timing) || (!gdata->old_timing_format)) { /* We don't want the prelude file for the old prof output format */ time_t t; char prelude_file[FILENAME_MAX]; int prelude_fd; int nbytes; t = time(0); md_get_prelude_path(prelude_file, sizeof(prelude_file), PRELUDE_FILE); prelude_fd = md_open(prelude_file); if (prelude_fd < 0) { char buf[FILENAME_MAX+80]; (void)md_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Can't open %s", prelude_file); buf[sizeof(buf)-1] = 0; HPROF_ERROR(JNI_TRUE, buf); } write_printf("%s, created %s\n", gdata->header, ctime(&t)); do { char buf[1024]; /* File is small, small buffer ok here */ nbytes = md_read(prelude_fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); if ( nbytes < 0 ) { system_error("read", nbytes, errno); break; } if (nbytes == 0) { break; } write_raw(buf, nbytes); } while ( nbytes > 0 ); md_close(prelude_fd); write_printf("\n--------\n\n"); write_flush(); } } void io_write_file_footer(void) { HPROF_ASSERT(gdata->header!=NULL); } void io_write_class_load(SerialNumber class_serial_num, ObjectIndex index, SerialNumber trace_serial_num, char *sig) { CHECK_CLASS_SERIAL_NO(class_serial_num); CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { IoNameIndex name_index; char *class_name; class_name = signature_to_name(sig); name_index = write_name_first(class_name); write_header(HPROF_LOAD_CLASS, (2 * (jint)sizeof(HprofId)) + (4 * 2)); write_u4(class_serial_num); write_index_id(index); write_u4(trace_serial_num); write_index_id(name_index); HPROF_FREE(class_name); } } void io_write_class_unload(SerialNumber class_serial_num, ObjectIndex index) { CHECK_CLASS_SERIAL_NO(class_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { write_header(HPROF_UNLOAD_CLASS, 4); write_u4(class_serial_num); } } void io_write_sites_header(const char * comment_str, jint flags, double cutoff, jint total_live_bytes, jint total_live_instances, jlong total_alloced_bytes, jlong total_alloced_instances, jint count) { if ( gdata->output_format == 'b') { write_header(HPROF_ALLOC_SITES, 2 + (8 * 4) + (count * (4 * 6 + 1))); write_u2((unsigned short)flags); write_u4(*(int *)(&cutoff)); write_u4(total_live_bytes); write_u4(total_live_instances); write_u8(total_alloced_bytes); write_u8(total_alloced_instances); write_u4(count); } else { time_t t; t = time(0); write_printf("SITES BEGIN (ordered by %s) %s", comment_str, ctime(&t)); write_printf( " percent live alloc'ed stack class\n"); write_printf( " rank self accum bytes objs bytes objs trace name\n"); } } void io_write_sites_elem(jint index, double ratio, double accum_percent, char *sig, SerialNumber class_serial_num, SerialNumber trace_serial_num, jint n_live_bytes, jint n_live_instances, jint n_alloced_bytes, jint n_alloced_instances) { CHECK_CLASS_SERIAL_NO(class_serial_num); CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if ( gdata->output_format == 'b') { HprofType kind; jint size; type_array(sig, &kind, &size); write_u1(kind); write_u4(class_serial_num); write_u4(trace_serial_num); write_u4(n_live_bytes); write_u4(n_live_instances); write_u4(n_alloced_bytes); write_u4(n_alloced_instances); } else { char *class_name; class_name = signature_to_name(sig); write_printf("%5u %5.2f%% %5.2f%% %9u %4u %9u %5u %5u %s\n", index, ratio * 100.0, accum_percent * 100.0, n_live_bytes, n_live_instances, n_alloced_bytes, n_alloced_instances, trace_serial_num, class_name); HPROF_FREE(class_name); } } void io_write_sites_footer(void) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { write_printf("SITES END\n"); } } void io_write_thread_start(SerialNumber thread_serial_num, ObjectIndex thread_obj_id, SerialNumber trace_serial_num, char *thread_name, char *thread_group_name, char *thread_parent_name) { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { IoNameIndex tname_index; IoNameIndex gname_index; IoNameIndex pname_index; tname_index = write_name_first(thread_name); gname_index = write_name_first(thread_group_name); pname_index = write_name_first(thread_parent_name); write_header(HPROF_START_THREAD, ((jint)sizeof(HprofId) * 4) + (4 * 2)); write_u4(thread_serial_num); write_index_id(thread_obj_id); write_u4(trace_serial_num); write_index_id(tname_index); write_index_id(gname_index); write_index_id(pname_index); } else if ( (!gdata->cpu_timing) || (!gdata->old_timing_format)) { /* We don't want thread info for the old prof output format */ write_printf("THREAD START " "(obj=%x, id = %d, name=\"%s\", group=\"%s\")\n", thread_obj_id, thread_serial_num, (thread_name==NULL?"":thread_name), (thread_group_name==NULL?"":thread_group_name)); } } void io_write_thread_end(SerialNumber thread_serial_num) { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { write_header(HPROF_END_THREAD, 4); write_u4(thread_serial_num); } else if ( (!gdata->cpu_timing) || (!gdata->old_timing_format)) { /* we don't want thread info for the old prof output format */ write_printf("THREAD END (id = %d)\n", thread_serial_num); } } void io_write_frame(FrameIndex index, SerialNumber frame_serial_num, char *mname, char *msig, char *sname, SerialNumber class_serial_num, jint lineno) { CHECK_CLASS_SERIAL_NO(class_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { IoNameIndex mname_index; IoNameIndex msig_index; IoNameIndex sname_index; mname_index = write_name_first(mname); msig_index = write_name_first(msig); sname_index = write_name_first(sname); write_header(HPROF_FRAME, ((jint)sizeof(HprofId) * 4) + (4 * 2)); write_index_id(index); write_index_id(mname_index); write_index_id(msig_index); write_index_id(sname_index); write_u4(class_serial_num); write_u4(lineno); } } void io_write_trace_header(SerialNumber trace_serial_num, SerialNumber thread_serial_num, jint n_frames, char *phase_str) { CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { write_header(HPROF_TRACE, ((jint)sizeof(HprofId) * n_frames) + (4 * 3)); write_u4(trace_serial_num); write_u4(thread_serial_num); write_u4(n_frames); } else { write_printf("TRACE %u:", trace_serial_num); if (thread_serial_num) { write_printf(" (thread=%d)", thread_serial_num); } if ( phase_str != NULL ) { write_printf(" (from %s phase of JVM)", phase_str); } write_printf("\n"); if (n_frames == 0) { write_printf("\t\n"); } } } void io_write_trace_elem(SerialNumber trace_serial_num, FrameIndex frame_index, SerialNumber frame_serial_num, char *csig, char *mname, char *sname, jint lineno) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { write_index_id(frame_index); } else { char *class_name; char linebuf[32]; if (lineno == -2) { (void)md_snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "Compiled method"); } else if (lineno == -3) { (void)md_snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "Native method"); } else if (lineno == -1) { (void)md_snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "Unknown line"); } else { (void)md_snprintf(linebuf, sizeof(linebuf), "%d", lineno); } linebuf[sizeof(linebuf)-1] = 0; class_name = signature_to_name(csig); if ( mname == NULL ) { mname = ""; } if ( sname == NULL ) { sname = ""; } write_printf("\t%s.%s(%s:%s)\n", class_name, mname, sname, linebuf); HPROF_FREE(class_name); } } void io_write_trace_footer(SerialNumber trace_serial_num, SerialNumber thread_serial_num, jint n_frames) { } #define CPU_SAMPLES_RECORD_NAME ("CPU SAMPLES") #define CPU_TIMES_RECORD_NAME ("CPU TIME (ms)") void io_write_cpu_samples_header(jlong total_cost, jint n_items) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { write_header(HPROF_CPU_SAMPLES, (n_items * (4 * 2)) + (4 * 2)); write_u4((jint)total_cost); write_u4(n_items); } else { time_t t; char *record_name; if ( gdata->cpu_sampling ) { record_name = CPU_SAMPLES_RECORD_NAME; } else { record_name = CPU_TIMES_RECORD_NAME; } t = time(0); write_printf("%s BEGIN (total = %d) %s", record_name, /*jlong*/(int)total_cost, ctime(&t)); if ( n_items > 0 ) { write_printf("rank self accum count trace method\n"); } } } void io_write_cpu_samples_elem(jint index, double percent, double accum, jint num_hits, jlong cost, SerialNumber trace_serial_num, jint n_frames, char *csig, char *mname) { CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { write_u4((jint)cost); write_u4(trace_serial_num); } else { write_printf("%4u %5.2f%% %5.2f%% %7u %5u", index, percent, accum, num_hits, trace_serial_num); if (n_frames > 0) { char * class_name; class_name = signature_to_name(csig); write_printf(" %s.%s\n", class_name, mname); HPROF_FREE(class_name); } else { write_printf(" \n"); } } } void io_write_cpu_samples_footer(void) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { char *record_name; if ( gdata->cpu_sampling ) { record_name = CPU_SAMPLES_RECORD_NAME; } else { record_name = CPU_TIMES_RECORD_NAME; } write_printf("%s END\n", record_name); } } void io_write_heap_summary(jlong total_live_bytes, jlong total_live_instances, jlong total_alloced_bytes, jlong total_alloced_instances) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { write_header(HPROF_HEAP_SUMMARY, 4 * 6); write_u4((jint)total_live_bytes); write_u4((jint)total_live_instances); write_u8(total_alloced_bytes); write_u8(total_alloced_instances); } } void io_write_oldprof_header(void) { if ( gdata->old_timing_format ) { write_printf("count callee caller time\n"); } } void io_write_oldprof_elem(jint num_hits, jint num_frames, char *csig_callee, char *mname_callee, char *msig_callee, char *csig_caller, char *mname_caller, char *msig_caller, jlong cost) { if ( gdata->old_timing_format ) { char * class_name_callee; char * class_name_caller; class_name_callee = signature_to_name(csig_callee); class_name_caller = signature_to_name(csig_caller); write_printf("%d ", num_hits); if (num_frames >= 1) { write_printf("%s.%s%s ", class_name_callee, mname_callee, msig_callee); } else { write_printf("%s ", ""); } if (num_frames > 1) { write_printf("%s.%s%s ", class_name_caller, mname_caller, msig_caller); } else { write_printf("%s ", ""); } write_printf("%d\n", (int)cost); HPROF_FREE(class_name_callee); HPROF_FREE(class_name_caller); } } void io_write_oldprof_footer(void) { } void io_write_monitor_header(jlong total_time) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { time_t t = time(0); t = time(0); write_printf("MONITOR TIME BEGIN (total = %u ms) %s", (int)total_time, ctime(&t)); if (total_time > 0) { write_printf("rank self accum count trace monitor\n"); } } } void io_write_monitor_elem(jint index, double percent, double accum, jint num_hits, SerialNumber trace_serial_num, char *sig) { CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { char *class_name; class_name = signature_to_name(sig); write_printf("%4u %5.2f%% %5.2f%% %7u %5u %s (Java)\n", index, percent, accum, num_hits, trace_serial_num, class_name); HPROF_FREE(class_name); } } void io_write_monitor_footer(void) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { write_printf("MONITOR TIME END\n"); } } void io_write_monitor_sleep(jlong timeout, SerialNumber thread_serial_num) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { if ( thread_serial_num == 0 ) { write_printf("SLEEP: timeout=%d, \n", (int)timeout); } else { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); write_printf("SLEEP: timeout=%d, thread %d\n", (int)timeout, thread_serial_num); } } } void io_write_monitor_wait(char *sig, jlong timeout, SerialNumber thread_serial_num) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { if ( thread_serial_num == 0 ) { write_printf("WAIT: MONITOR %s, timeout=%d, \n", sig, (int)timeout); } else { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); write_printf("WAIT: MONITOR %s, timeout=%d, thread %d\n", sig, (int)timeout, thread_serial_num); } } } void io_write_monitor_waited(char *sig, jlong time_waited, SerialNumber thread_serial_num) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { if ( thread_serial_num == 0 ) { write_printf("WAITED: MONITOR %s, time_waited=%d, \n", sig, (int)time_waited); } else { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); write_printf("WAITED: MONITOR %s, time_waited=%d, thread %d\n", sig, (int)time_waited, thread_serial_num); } } } void io_write_monitor_exit(char *sig, SerialNumber thread_serial_num) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { if ( thread_serial_num == 0 ) { write_printf("EXIT: MONITOR %s, \n", sig); } else { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); write_printf("EXIT: MONITOR %s, thread %d\n", sig, thread_serial_num); } } } void io_write_monitor_dump_header(void) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { write_printf("MONITOR DUMP BEGIN\n"); } } void io_write_monitor_dump_thread_state(SerialNumber thread_serial_num, SerialNumber trace_serial_num, jint threadState) { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { char tstate[20]; tstate[0] = 0; if (threadState & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_SUSPENDED) { (void)strcat(tstate,"S|"); } if (threadState & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_INTERRUPTED) { (void)strcat(tstate,"intr|"); } if (threadState & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_IN_NATIVE) { (void)strcat(tstate,"native|"); } if ( ! ( threadState & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_ALIVE ) ) { if ( threadState & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_TERMINATED ) { (void)strcat(tstate,"ZO"); } else { (void)strcat(tstate,"NS"); } } else { if ( threadState & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_SLEEPING ) { (void)strcat(tstate,"SL"); } else if ( threadState & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_BLOCKED_ON_MONITOR_ENTER ) { (void)strcat(tstate,"MW"); } else if ( threadState & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_WAITING ) { (void)strcat(tstate,"CW"); } else if ( threadState & JVMTI_THREAD_STATE_RUNNABLE ) { (void)strcat(tstate,"R"); } else { (void)strcat(tstate,"UN"); } } write_printf(" THREAD %d, trace %d, status: %s\n", thread_serial_num, trace_serial_num, tstate); } } void io_write_monitor_dump_state(char *sig, SerialNumber thread_serial_num, jint entry_count, SerialNumber *waiters, jint waiter_count, SerialNumber *notify_waiters, jint notify_waiter_count) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { int i; if ( thread_serial_num != 0 ) { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); write_printf(" MONITOR %s\n", sig); write_printf("\towner: thread %d, entry count: %d\n", thread_serial_num, entry_count); } else { write_printf(" MONITOR %s unowned\n", sig); } write_printf("\twaiting to enter:"); for (i = 0; i < waiter_count; i++) { write_thread_serial_number(waiters[i], (i != (waiter_count-1))); } write_printf("\n"); write_printf("\twaiting to be notified:"); for (i = 0; i < notify_waiter_count; i++) { write_thread_serial_number(notify_waiters[i], (i != (notify_waiter_count-1))); } write_printf("\n"); } } void io_write_monitor_dump_footer(void) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { not_implemented(); } else { write_printf("MONITOR DUMP END\n"); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* These functions write to a separate file */ void io_heap_header(jlong total_live_instances, jlong total_live_bytes) { if (gdata->output_format != 'b') { time_t t; t = time(0); heap_printf("HEAP DUMP BEGIN (%u objects, %u bytes) %s", /*jlong*/(int)total_live_instances, /*jlong*/(int)total_live_bytes, ctime(&t)); } } void io_heap_root_thread_object(ObjectIndex thread_obj_id, SerialNumber thread_serial_num, SerialNumber trace_serial_num) { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { heap_tag(HPROF_GC_ROOT_THREAD_OBJ); heap_id(thread_obj_id); heap_u4(thread_serial_num); heap_u4(trace_serial_num); } else { heap_printf("ROOT %x (kind=, id=%u, trace=%u)\n", thread_obj_id, thread_serial_num, trace_serial_num); } } void io_heap_root_unknown(ObjectIndex obj_id) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { heap_tag(HPROF_GC_ROOT_UNKNOWN); heap_id(obj_id); } else { heap_printf("ROOT %x (kind=)\n", obj_id); } } void io_heap_root_jni_global(ObjectIndex obj_id, SerialNumber gref_serial_num, SerialNumber trace_serial_num) { CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { heap_tag(HPROF_GC_ROOT_JNI_GLOBAL); heap_id(obj_id); heap_id(gref_serial_num); } else { heap_printf("ROOT %x (kind=, " "id=%x, trace=%u)\n", obj_id, gref_serial_num, trace_serial_num); } } void io_heap_root_jni_local(ObjectIndex obj_id, SerialNumber thread_serial_num, jint frame_depth) { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { heap_tag(HPROF_GC_ROOT_JNI_LOCAL); heap_id(obj_id); heap_u4(thread_serial_num); heap_u4(frame_depth); } else { heap_printf("ROOT %x (kind=, " "thread=%u, frame=%d)\n", obj_id, thread_serial_num, frame_depth); } } void io_heap_root_system_class(ObjectIndex obj_id, char *sig, SerialNumber class_serial_num) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { heap_tag(HPROF_GC_ROOT_STICKY_CLASS); heap_id(obj_id); } else { char *class_name; class_name = signature_to_name(sig); heap_printf("ROOT %x (kind=, name=%s)\n", obj_id, class_name); HPROF_FREE(class_name); } } void io_heap_root_monitor(ObjectIndex obj_id) { if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { heap_tag(HPROF_GC_ROOT_MONITOR_USED); heap_id(obj_id); } else { heap_printf("ROOT %x (kind=)\n", obj_id); } } void io_heap_root_thread(ObjectIndex obj_id, SerialNumber thread_serial_num) { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { heap_tag(HPROF_GC_ROOT_THREAD_BLOCK); heap_id(obj_id); heap_u4(thread_serial_num); } else { heap_printf("ROOT %x (kind=, thread=%u)\n", obj_id, thread_serial_num); } } void io_heap_root_java_frame(ObjectIndex obj_id, SerialNumber thread_serial_num, jint frame_depth) { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { heap_tag(HPROF_GC_ROOT_JAVA_FRAME); heap_id(obj_id); heap_u4(thread_serial_num); heap_u4(frame_depth); } else { heap_printf("ROOT %x (kind=, " "thread=%u, frame=%d)\n", obj_id, thread_serial_num, frame_depth); } } void io_heap_root_native_stack(ObjectIndex obj_id, SerialNumber thread_serial_num) { CHECK_THREAD_SERIAL_NO(thread_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { heap_tag(HPROF_GC_ROOT_NATIVE_STACK); heap_id(obj_id); heap_u4(thread_serial_num); } else { heap_printf("ROOT %x (kind=, thread=%u)\n", obj_id, thread_serial_num); } } static jboolean is_static_field(jint modifiers) { if ( modifiers & JVM_ACC_STATIC ) { return JNI_TRUE; } return JNI_FALSE; } static jboolean is_inst_field(jint modifiers) { if ( modifiers & JVM_ACC_STATIC ) { return JNI_FALSE; } return JNI_TRUE; } void io_heap_class_dump(ClassIndex cnum, char *sig, ObjectIndex class_id, SerialNumber trace_serial_num, ObjectIndex super_id, ObjectIndex loader_id, ObjectIndex signers_id, ObjectIndex domain_id, jint size, jint n_cpool, ConstantPoolValue *cpool, jint n_fields, FieldInfo *fields, jvalue *fvalues) { CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { int i; jint n_static_fields; jint n_inst_fields; jint inst_size; jint saved_inst_size; n_static_fields = 0; n_inst_fields = 0; inst_size = 0; /* These do NOT go into the heap output */ for ( i = 0 ; i < n_fields ; i++ ) { if ( fields[i].cnum == cnum && is_static_field(fields[i].modifiers) ) { char *field_name; field_name = string_get(fields[i].name_index); (void)write_name_first(field_name); n_static_fields++; } if ( is_inst_field(fields[i].modifiers) ) { inst_size += size_from_field_info(fields[i].primSize); if ( fields[i].cnum == cnum ) { char *field_name; field_name = string_get(fields[i].name_index); (void)write_name_first(field_name); n_inst_fields++; } } } /* Verify that the instance size we have calculated as we went * through the fields, matches what is saved away with this * class. */ if ( size >= 0 ) { saved_inst_size = class_get_inst_size(cnum); if ( saved_inst_size == -1 ) { class_set_inst_size(cnum, inst_size); } else if ( saved_inst_size != inst_size ) { HPROF_ERROR(JNI_TRUE, "Mis-match on instance size in class dump"); } } heap_tag(HPROF_GC_CLASS_DUMP); heap_id(class_id); heap_u4(trace_serial_num); heap_id(super_id); heap_id(loader_id); heap_id(signers_id); heap_id(domain_id); heap_id(0); heap_id(0); heap_u4(inst_size); /* Must match inst_size in instance dump */ heap_u2((unsigned short)n_cpool); for ( i = 0 ; i < n_cpool ; i++ ) { HprofType kind; jint size; type_from_signature(string_get(cpool[i].sig_index), &kind, &size); heap_u2((unsigned short)(cpool[i].constant_pool_index)); heap_u1(kind); HPROF_ASSERT(!HPROF_TYPE_IS_PRIMITIVE(kind)); heap_element(kind, size, cpool[i].value); } heap_u2((unsigned short)n_static_fields); for ( i = 0 ; i < n_fields ; i++ ) { if ( fields[i].cnum == cnum && is_static_field(fields[i].modifiers) ) { char *field_name; HprofType kind; jint size; type_from_signature(string_get(fields[i].sig_index), &kind, &size); field_name = string_get(fields[i].name_index); heap_name(field_name); heap_u1(kind); heap_element(kind, size, fvalues[i]); } } heap_u2((unsigned short)n_inst_fields); /* Does not include super class */ for ( i = 0 ; i < n_fields ; i++ ) { if ( fields[i].cnum == cnum && is_inst_field(fields[i].modifiers) ) { HprofType kind; jint size; char *field_name; field_name = string_get(fields[i].name_index); type_from_signature(string_get(fields[i].sig_index), &kind, &size); heap_name(field_name); heap_u1(kind); } } } else { char * class_name; int i; class_name = signature_to_name(sig); heap_printf("CLS %x (name=%s, trace=%u)\n", class_id, class_name, trace_serial_num); HPROF_FREE(class_name); if (super_id) { heap_printf("\tsuper\t\t%x\n", super_id); } if (loader_id) { heap_printf("\tloader\t\t%x\n", loader_id); } if (signers_id) { heap_printf("\tsigners\t\t%x\n", signers_id); } if (domain_id) { heap_printf("\tdomain\t\t%x\n", domain_id); } for ( i = 0 ; i < n_fields ; i++ ) { if ( fields[i].cnum == cnum && is_static_field(fields[i].modifiers) ) { HprofType kind; jint size; type_from_signature(string_get(fields[i].sig_index), &kind, &size); if ( !HPROF_TYPE_IS_PRIMITIVE(kind) ) { if (fvalues[i].i != 0 ) { char *field_name; field_name = string_get(fields[i].name_index); heap_printf("\tstatic %s\t%x\n", field_name, fvalues[i].i); } } } } for ( i = 0 ; i < n_cpool ; i++ ) { HprofType kind; jint size; type_from_signature(string_get(cpool[i].sig_index), &kind, &size); if ( !HPROF_TYPE_IS_PRIMITIVE(kind) ) { if (cpool[i].value.i != 0 ) { heap_printf("\tconstant pool entry %d\t%x\n", cpool[i].constant_pool_index, cpool[i].value.i); } } } } } /* Dump the instance fields in the right order. */ static int dump_instance_fields(ClassIndex cnum, FieldInfo *fields, jvalue *fvalues, jint n_fields) { ClassIndex super_cnum; int i; int nbytes; HPROF_ASSERT(cnum!=0); nbytes = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) { if ( fields[i].cnum == cnum && is_inst_field(fields[i].modifiers) ) { HprofType kind; int size; type_from_signature(string_get(fields[i].sig_index), &kind, &size); heap_element(kind, size, fvalues[i]); nbytes += size; } } super_cnum = class_get_super(cnum); if ( super_cnum != 0 ) { nbytes += dump_instance_fields(super_cnum, fields, fvalues, n_fields); } return nbytes; } void io_heap_instance_dump(ClassIndex cnum, ObjectIndex obj_id, SerialNumber trace_serial_num, ObjectIndex class_id, jint size, char *sig, FieldInfo *fields, jvalue *fvalues, jint n_fields) { CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { jint inst_size; jint saved_inst_size; int i; int nbytes; inst_size = 0; for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) { if ( is_inst_field(fields[i].modifiers) ) { inst_size += size_from_field_info(fields[i].primSize); } } /* Verify that the instance size we have calculated as we went * through the fields, matches what is saved away with this * class. */ saved_inst_size = class_get_inst_size(cnum); if ( saved_inst_size == -1 ) { class_set_inst_size(cnum, inst_size); } else if ( saved_inst_size != inst_size ) { HPROF_ERROR(JNI_TRUE, "Mis-match on instance size in instance dump"); } heap_tag(HPROF_GC_INSTANCE_DUMP); heap_id(obj_id); heap_u4(trace_serial_num); heap_id(class_id); heap_u4(inst_size); /* Must match inst_size in class dump */ /* Order must be class, super, super's super, ... */ nbytes = dump_instance_fields(cnum, fields, fvalues, n_fields); HPROF_ASSERT(nbytes==inst_size); } else { char * class_name; int i; class_name = signature_to_name(sig); heap_printf("OBJ %x (sz=%u, trace=%u, class=%s@%x)\n", obj_id, size, trace_serial_num, class_name, class_id); HPROF_FREE(class_name); for (i = 0; i < n_fields; i++) { if ( is_inst_field(fields[i].modifiers) ) { HprofType kind; int size; type_from_signature(string_get(fields[i].sig_index), &kind, &size); if ( !HPROF_TYPE_IS_PRIMITIVE(kind) ) { if (fvalues[i].i != 0 ) { char *sep; ObjectIndex val_id; char *field_name; field_name = string_get(fields[i].name_index); val_id = (ObjectIndex)(fvalues[i].i); sep = (int)strlen(field_name) < 8 ? "\t" : ""; heap_printf("\t%s\t%s%x\n", field_name, sep, val_id); } } } } } } void io_heap_object_array(ObjectIndex obj_id, SerialNumber trace_serial_num, jint size, jint num_elements, char *sig, ObjectIndex *values, ObjectIndex class_id) { CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { heap_tag(HPROF_GC_OBJ_ARRAY_DUMP); heap_id(obj_id); heap_u4(trace_serial_num); heap_u4(num_elements); heap_id(class_id); heap_elements(HPROF_NORMAL_OBJECT, num_elements, (jint)sizeof(HprofId), (void*)values); } else { char *name; int i; name = signature_to_name(sig); heap_printf("ARR %x (sz=%u, trace=%u, nelems=%u, elem type=%s@%x)\n", obj_id, size, trace_serial_num, num_elements, name, class_id); for (i = 0; i < num_elements; i++) { ObjectIndex id; id = values[i]; if (id != 0) { heap_printf("\t[%u]\t\t%x\n", i, id); } } HPROF_FREE(name); } } void io_heap_prim_array(ObjectIndex obj_id, SerialNumber trace_serial_num, jint size, jint num_elements, char *sig, void *elements) { CHECK_TRACE_SERIAL_NO(trace_serial_num); if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { HprofType kind; jint esize; type_array(sig, &kind, &esize); HPROF_ASSERT(HPROF_TYPE_IS_PRIMITIVE(kind)); heap_tag(HPROF_GC_PRIM_ARRAY_DUMP); heap_id(obj_id); heap_u4(trace_serial_num); heap_u4(num_elements); heap_u1(kind); heap_elements(kind, num_elements, esize, elements); } else { char *name; name = signature_to_name(sig); heap_printf("ARR %x (sz=%u, trace=%u, nelems=%u, elem type=%s)\n", obj_id, size, trace_serial_num, num_elements, name); HPROF_FREE(name); } } /* Move file bytes into supplied raw interface */ static void write_raw_from_file(int fd, jlong byteCount, void (*raw_interface)(void *,int)) { char *buf; int buf_len; int left; int nbytes; HPROF_ASSERT(fd >= 0); /* Move contents of this file into output file. */ buf_len = FILE_IO_BUFFER_SIZE*2; /* Twice as big! */ buf = HPROF_MALLOC(buf_len); HPROF_ASSERT(buf!=NULL); /* Keep track of how many we have left */ left = (int)byteCount; do { int count; count = buf_len; if ( count > left ) count = left; nbytes = md_read(fd, buf, count); if (nbytes < 0) { system_error("read", nbytes, errno); break; } if (nbytes == 0) { break; } if ( nbytes > 0 ) { (*raw_interface)(buf, nbytes); left -= nbytes; } } while ( left > 0 ); if (left > 0 && nbytes == 0) { HPROF_ERROR(JNI_TRUE, "File size is smaller than bytes written"); } HPROF_FREE(buf); } /* Write out a heap segment, and copy remainder to top of file. */ static void dump_heap_segment_and_reset(jlong segment_size) { int fd; char *last_chunk; jlong last_chunk_len; HPROF_ASSERT(gdata->heap_fd >= 0); /* Flush all bytes to the heap dump file */ heap_flush(); /* Last segment? */ last_chunk_len = gdata->heap_write_count - segment_size; HPROF_ASSERT(last_chunk_len>=0); /* Re-open in proper way, binary vs. ascii is important */ if (gdata->output_format == 'b') { int tag; if ( gdata->segmented == JNI_TRUE ) { /* 1.0.2 */ tag = HPROF_HEAP_DUMP_SEGMENT; /* 1.0.2 */ } else { tag = HPROF_HEAP_DUMP; /* Just one segment */ HPROF_ASSERT(last_chunk_len==0); } /* Write header for binary heap dump (don't know size until now) */ write_header(tag, (jint)segment_size); fd = md_open_binary(gdata->heapfilename); } else { fd = md_open(gdata->heapfilename); } /* Move file bytes into hprof dump file */ write_raw_from_file(fd, segment_size, &write_raw); /* Clear the byte count and reset the heap file. */ if ( md_seek(gdata->heap_fd, (jlong)0) != (jlong)0 ) { HPROF_ERROR(JNI_TRUE, "Cannot seek to beginning of heap info file"); } gdata->heap_write_count = (jlong)0; gdata->heap_last_tag_position = (jlong)0; /* Move trailing bytes from heap dump file to beginning of file */ if ( last_chunk_len > 0 ) { write_raw_from_file(fd, last_chunk_len, &heap_raw); } /* Close the temp file handle */ md_close(fd); } void io_heap_footer(void) { HPROF_ASSERT(gdata->heap_fd >= 0); /* Flush all bytes to the heap dump file */ heap_flush(); /* Send out the last (or maybe only) segment */ dump_heap_segment_and_reset(gdata->heap_write_count); /* Write out the last tag */ if (gdata->output_format != 'b') { write_printf("HEAP DUMP END\n"); } else { if ( gdata->segmented == JNI_TRUE ) { /* 1.0.2 */ write_header(HPROF_HEAP_DUMP_END, 0); } } }