These project files were tested with the free Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition. Visual C++ Express does NOT include the Win32 SDK Headers. They must be downloaded separately as documented in the installation instructions at Microsoft - consequently that extra installation must be referenced via a system variable: Set MSSdk=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK In order to compile you need a valid Zlib SDK - you can download it from in the archive - I had unpacked them to $(zziplibdir)/zlib inside the toplevel of the zziplib source tree. That SDK does ship with a "zlib1.dll" runtime and "zdll.lib" import library. The new Visual Studio has depracated most of the Win32 API just as well as most of the Posix API. That provokes a lot of warning message in surplus of the many warning message that occur on every implicit conversion between signed and unsigned types. Other compilers are more clever about detecting real conversion issues, therefore they are not going to be "patched away" with an explicit conversion in the source files (I expect Microsoft to get it right somewhen). == Download Places == = central place referenced a lot in the MSDN but the link is broken = Windows Server 2003 SP1 Platform SDK Web Install (win32/win64/.. - but SDK for all CPU types) = Windows Server 2003 R2 Platform SDK Web Install (win32/win64/.. - but SDK for all CPU types) = Visual C++ Express CD-image = Visual C# Express CD-image (broken) = unpack one of them into zzip-0/zlib (if using the subversion checkout) == Environment Variables == On Windows-7 the environment variables can be found in the control panel > system information > change name settings > extras tab > click button == Debug Variables == To run the zziptest for debugging the solution file has now a setting in Properties > Debugging > Environment > PATH=$(InputDir)\..\zlib\ so that the zlib1.dll can be found. This needs to be adapted if the was unpackaged somewhere else. == Compiling Error == 'can not delete debug/*.idb' - occurs when running MSVC in a VMWare box pointing to a Unix drive; create a symlink `ln -s Debug debug` to fix it. There are Pre/Post-Build Rules to remove *.idb but sometimes its left over.