\input cellwise.sty \cellwise \def\jailcmds{\ifnum \the\jails=1 \rm \else\fi} \def\cellblockcmds{\ifnum \the\cellblocks=1 \sl \else\fi} \def\cellfloorcmds{\ifnum \the\cellfloors=1 \it \else\fi} \def\cellcmds{\ifnum\the\cellfloors=1 \ifnum \the\cells=3 \tt \else \fi\fi} \def\cellno{\the\jails.\the\cellblocks.\the\cellfloors.\the\cells} \parindent=0pt This is a pure \TeX{} macro. The macro enables you to define jails (= tables), cellblocks(= tablesegments),cellfloors (=tablelines) and cells (= single cells) and to pass commands to them.Columns are represented by a series of cells(= all cells having the No. 3 make a column). Includes a simple notes function to place notes in a cell. Examples below. The code has not more than 38 lines, I think there is no need to comment it. \vskip\baselineskip \vbox{ Example 1: The command $\backslash jailcmds \{\backslash ifnum \backslash the \backslash jails=2 \backslash rm \backslash else \backslash fi\}$ tells \TeX{} to type the whole jail (=table) rm as long as no other command is given at a lower level.} \vskip\baselineskip \vbox{Example 2: The command $\backslash cellblockcmds \{\backslash ifnum \backslash the \backslash cellblocks=2 \backslash sl \backslash else \backslash fi\}$ tells \TeX{} to type the whole cellblock (=tablesegment) slanted as long as no other command is given at a lower level.} \vskip\baselineskip \vbox{Example 3: The command $\backslash cellfloorcmds \{\backslash ifnum \backslash the \backslash cellfloors=2 \backslash it \backslash else \backslash fi\}$ tells \TeX{} to type the whole cellfloor (=tableline) italic as long as no other command is given at a lower level.} \vbox{Example 4: The command $\backslash cellcmds \{\backslash ifnum \backslash the \backslash cells=2 \backslash tt \backslash else \backslash fi\}$ tells \TeX{} to type the second cell in every jail/block/floor with boldface.} Commands maybe combined by the $\backslash if \backslash fi$ routines. Next feature will be, to let a text flow through the jails, blocks, floors and cells, but this is not worked out yet. The command will be defined as $\backslash$ cellchain. \cellrag{\raggedright} \def\cellnoshow{} \jail{\jailname{\centerline{Example 5: JAILHOUSE ROCK}}% \cellblock{% \cellfloor{% \cell{Spider Murphy\cellnote{Tenor Saxophone}} \cell{Little Joe \cellnote{Slide Trombone}} \cell{Escaped \cellnote{none}} }% \cellfloor{% \cell{Purple Gang \cellnote{Rhythm Section}} \cell{Escaped \cellnote{none}} \cell{Escaped \cellnote{none}} }% \cellfloor{% \cell{No.47} \cell{No.3} \cell{Escaped \cellnote{none}} }% \cellfloor{% \cell{Shifty Henry \cellnote{Wants to make a break}} \cell{Bugs\cellnote{Says:``Nix Nix''}} \cell{Escaped \cellnote{none}} }% }% }% \cellblock{ \cellfloor{\cell{}} \cellfloor{ \cell{}\cell{} }} {\thecellnotes[Instruments]}% \bye