require "luaprogtable-parse.lua" require "luaprogtable-stringbuffer.lua" TeXTable = {} TeXTable.__index = TeXTable function TeXTable:new() local ret = { rows = {} } setmetatable(ret, TeXTable) return ret end TeXTableCell = {} TeXTableCell.__index = TeXTableCell local _std_shape = {1, 1} function TeXTableCell:new(default_val) local ret = { data=default_val, shape=_std_shape, parent=nil } setmetatable(ret, TeXTableCell) return ret end TeXTableRow = {} TeXTableRow.__index = TeXTableRow function TeXTableRow:new(tex_table) local ncols = tex_table.ncols local default_val = rawget(tex_table, "default value") local cells = {} for i=1,ncols do table.insert(cells, TeXTableCell:new(default_val)) end local ret = { ["before line"] = "", ["after line"] = rawget(tex_table, "default after line"), ["after spacing"] = rawget(tex_table, "default after spacing"), ["cells"] = cells } setmetatable(ret, TeXTableRow) return ret end function TeXTable:resize(nrows, ncols) local now_nrows = #self.rows local now_ncols = self.ncols if nrows < now_nrows or ncols < now_ncols then raise_error("'TeXTable:resize' doesn not support table truncation") end local nrows_delta = nrows - now_nrows local ncols_delta = ncols - now_ncols -- change column for existing rows self.ncols = ncols for i=1,now_nrows do local row = self.rows[i] for j=1,ncols_delta do table.insert(row.cells, TeXTableCell:new(rawget(self, "default value"))) end end -- add new rows for i=1,nrows_delta do table.insert(self.rows, TeXTableRow:new(self)) end end function TeXTable:to_string(no_linebreak) local ret = {} local no_linebreak = no_linebreak or false local lb = "\n" if no_linebreak then lb = " " end table.insert(ret, string.format([[\begin{%s}{%s}]], self.backend, rawget(self, "table preamble"))) local nrows = #self.rows for i=1,nrows do local row = self.rows[i] local cell_data = {} local j = 1 while j <= self.ncols do local cell = row.cells[j] local next_j = nil if cell.shape ~= nil then table.insert(cell_data, next_j = j + cell.shape[2] else local parent_row = cell.parent[1] local parent_col = cell.parent[2] local parent_cell = self:get_cell(parent_row, parent_col) table.insert(cell_data, "") next_j = j + parent_cell.shape[2] end j = next_j end local row_str = "" if string.len(rawget(row, "before line")) > 0 then row_str = rawget(row, "before line") .. lb .. row_str end row_str = row_str .. table.concat(cell_data, " & ") .. [[ \\]] if string.len(rawget(row, "after spacing")) > 0 then row_str = row_str .. "[" .. rawget(row, "after spacing") .. "]" end row_str = row_str .. rawget(row, "after line") table.insert(ret, row_str) end table.insert(ret, string.format([[\end{%s}]], self.backend)) return table.concat(ret, lb) end function TeXTable:get_cell(row_id, cell_id) local row = self.rows[row_id] if row == nil then raise_error(string.format("row id '%d' is invalid for table '%s'", row_id, rawget(self, "table name"))) end local cell = row.cells[cell_id] if cell == nil then raise_error(string.format("cell location '(%d,%d)' is invalid for table '%s'", row_id, cell_id, rawget(self, "table name"))) end return cell end function TeXTable:set_cell(row_id, cell_id, data, shape) local cell = self:get_cell(row_id, cell_id) -- check if we can modify this cell if cell.parent ~= nil then local parent_1 = cell.parent[1] local parent_2 = cell.parent[2] raise_error(string.format("cell location '(%d,%d)' of table '%s' is not acceesible because it is overlapped by cell '(%d,%d)'", row_id, cell_id, rawget(self, "table name"), parent_1, parent_2)) end -- check cell boundary local max_row = row_id + shape[1] - 1 local max_col = cell_id + shape[2] - 1 if max_row > #self.rows or max_col > self.ncols then raise_error(string.format("cell '(%d,%d)' is too large for table '%s'", row_id, col_id, rawget(self, "table name"))) end local old_shape = cell.shape local std_shape = {1, 1} -- clear control info for children for i=1, old_shape[1] do local row_id = row_id + i - 1 for j = 1, old_shape[2] do local col_id = cell_id + j - 1 local other_cell = self:get_cell(row_id, col_id) other_cell.parent = nil other_cell.shape = std_shape end end local parent_t = {row_id, cell_id} -- adjust control info based on new shape for i=1, shape[1] do local row_id = row_id + i - 1 for j = 1, shape[2] do local col_id = cell_id + j - 1 local other_cell = self:get_cell(row_id, col_id) other_cell.parent = parent_t other_cell.shape = nil end end -- adjust control info for this cell cell.parent = nil cell.shape = shape = data end function TeXTable:fill(data) local nrows = #self.rows for i=1,nrows do for j=1,self.ncols do local cell = self:get_cell(i, j) cell.shape = _std_shape cell.parent = nil = data end end end function TeXTable:fix_row_index(index_pair) local ret = {index_pair[1], index_pair[2]} if ret[1] < 0 then ret[1] = #self.rows + ret[1] + 1 end if ret[2] < 0 then ret[2] = #self.rows + ret[2] + 1 end if ret[2] < ret[1] then raise_error("invalid index expression: second element must not be smaller than the first") end if ret[1] <= 0 then raise_error("invalid index expression: index must be greater than zero after conversion") end return ret end function TeXTable:fix_col_index(index_pair) local ret = {index_pair[1], index_pair[2]} if ret[1] < 0 then ret[1] = self.ncols + ret[1] + 1 end if ret[2] < 0 then ret[2] = self.ncols + ret[2] + 1 end if ret[2] < ret[1] then raise_error("invalid index expression: second element must not be smaller than the first") end if ret[1] <= 0 then raise_error("invalid index expression: index must be greater than zero after conversion") end return ret end -- fix the index of a single cell function TeXTable:fix_cell_index(index_expr) local the_table = self local index_parse = _lpt_parse_index_expr(index_expr) if #index_parse ~= 2 then raise_error(string.format("invalid index expression for cell: '%s'", index_expr)) end local row_expr = the_table:fix_row_index(index_parse[1]) local col_expr = the_table:fix_col_index(index_parse[2]) if row_expr[1] ~= row_expr[2] then raise_error(string.format("invalid row index expression for cell: '%s'", index_expr)) end if col_expr[1] ~= col_expr[2] then raise_error(string.format("invalid column index expression for cell: '%s'", index_expr)) end return {row_expr[1], col_expr[1]} end -- make sure table views do not cut through multicol/multirow function TeXTable:check_view_validity(start_row, start_col, row_span, col_span) local max_row = start_row + row_span - 1 local max_col = start_col + col_span - 1 for i = 1, row_span do local row_id = start_row + i - 1 for j=1,col_span do local col_id = start_col + j - 1 local cell = self:get_cell(row_id, col_id) if cell.shape ~= nil then local boundary_1 = row_id + cell.shape[1] - 1 local boundary_2 = col_id + cell.shape[2] - 1 if boundary_1 > max_row or boundary_2 > max_col then raise_error(string.format("invalid table view: cell '(%d, %d)' has shape '(%d, %d)', which does not fit into viewed region", row_id, col_id, cell.shape[1], cell.shape[2])) end end end end end lpt_info = {} function _lpt_get_table(table_name) local table_name = _lpt_strip(table_name) local the_table = lpt_info[table_name] if the_table == nil then raise_error(string.format("table '%s' does not exist", table_name)) end return the_table end _verb_lines = {} _verb_end_env = "" function _lpt_store_verbatim_lines(str) if string.find(str , _verb_end_env) then luatexbase.remove_from_callback("process_input_buffer" , "lpt_store_verbatim_lines") return _verb_end_env else if str ~= nil then table.insert(_verb_lines, str) end return "" end end function _lpt_register_verbatim(end_env) for k in next, _verb_lines do rawset(_verb_lines, k, nil) end _verb_end_env = end_env luatexbase.add_to_callback("process_input_buffer", _lpt_store_verbatim_lines, "lpt_store_verbatim_lines") end local _lpt_ignored_fields = {nrows=true} local _lpt_numeric_fields = {ncols=true} function lpt_new_table(param) local new_table = TeXTable:new() for key, val in pairs(param) do if _lpt_numeric_fields[key] then rawset(new_table, key, _lpt_tonumber(val)) elseif _lpt_ignored_fields[key] then -- do nothing else rawset(new_table, key, val) end end local table_name = new_table["table name"] local table_fetch = lpt_info[table_name] if table_fetch ~= nil then raise_error(string.format("table '%s' already exists", table_name)) end local nrows = _lpt_tonumber(param["nrows"]) -- integrity check if nrows < 0 then raise_error(string.format("'nrows' (%d) of table '%s' is invalid", nrows, table_name)) end if new_table.ncols <= 0 then raise_error(string.format("'ncols' (%d) of table '%s' is invalid", new_table.ncols, table_name)) end -- create table new_table:resize(nrows, new_table.ncols) lpt_info[table_name] = new_table end function lpt_table_fill(table_name, index_expr, env_content) local the_table = _lpt_get_table(table_name) local env_content = env_content or table.concat(_verb_lines, " ") if index_expr:len() == 0 then the_table:fill(env_content) else local index_parse = _lpt_parse_index_expr(index_expr) if #index_parse ~= 2 then raise_error(string.format("invalid index expr '%s' for table '%s'", index_expr, table_name)) end local row_expr = the_table:fix_row_index(index_parse[1]) local col_expr = the_table:fix_col_index(index_parse[2]) local row_span = row_expr[2] - row_expr[1] + 1 local col_span = col_expr[2] - col_expr[1] + 1 the_table:check_view_validity(row_expr[1], col_expr[1], row_span, col_span) for i=1,row_span do local row_id = i + row_expr[1] - 1 for j=1,col_span do local col_id = j + col_expr[1] - 1 the_table:set_cell(row_id, col_id, env_content, _std_shape) end end end end function lpt_table_view(table_name, index_expr) local env_content = table.concat(_verb_lines, "\n") local the_table = _lpt_get_table(table_name) local index_parse = _lpt_parse_index_expr(index_expr) if #index_parse ~= 2 then raise_error(string.format("invalid index expr '%s' for table '%s'", index_expr, table_name)) end local row_expr = the_table:fix_row_index(index_parse[1]) local col_expr = the_table:fix_col_index(index_parse[2]) local row_span = row_expr[2] - row_expr[1] + 1 local col_span = col_expr[2] - col_expr[1] + 1 the_table:check_view_validity(row_expr[1], col_expr[1], row_span, col_span) local parsed_table = _lpt_parse_table_view(env_content) if #parsed_table ~= row_span then raise_error(string.format("lpttableview: expecting '%d' rows, but get '%d' instead for table '%s'", row_span, #parsed_table, table_name)) end for i=1,row_span do local row_id = i + row_expr[1] - 1 local cols = parsed_table[i] -- sum the number of total columns in this row local n_table_cols = 0 local max_row_size = 0 for _, val in ipairs(cols) do n_table_cols = n_table_cols + val["shape"][2] max_row_size = math.max(max_row_size, val["shape"][1]) end local max_row = row_id + max_row_size - 1 if max_row > row_expr[2] then raise_error("lpttableview: the height of table is greater than table view") end -- count the numbers of columns needs to be filled in this row local pending_table_cols = 0 for j=1,col_span do local col_id = j + col_expr[1] - 1 local cell = the_table:get_cell(row_id, col_id) if cell.shape ~= nil then pending_table_cols = pending_table_cols + 1 else local parent_row = cell.parent[1] -- if the parent is in the same row, -- then this space needs to be filled in the same row if parent_row == row_id then pending_table_cols = pending_table_cols + 1 end end end if n_table_cols ~= pending_table_cols then raise_error(string.format("lpttableview: expecting '%d' cols for row '%d', but get '%d' instead for table '%s'", pending_table_cols, i, n_table_cols, table_name)) end --[[ if n_table_cols ~= col_span then raise_error(string.format("lpttableview: expecting '%d' cols for row '%d', but get '%d' instead for table '%s'", col_span, i, n_table_cols, table_name)) end --]] local k = 1 for j=1,col_span do local col_id = j + col_expr[1] - 1 local cell = the_table:get_cell(row_id, col_id) if cell.shape ~= nil then local col_data = cols[k]["data"] local col_shape = cols[k]["shape"] the_table:set_cell(row_id, col_id, col_data, col_shape) k = k + 1 end end end end local _s_buf = TeXStringBuffer:new() function lpt_use_table(table_name) local the_table = _lpt_get_table(table_name) local input_method = rawget(the_table, "input method") if input_method == "stringbuffer" then local table_str = the_table:to_string(true) _s_buf:clear() _s_buf:append(table_str) _s_buf:register_callback() tex.print([[\input{stringbuffer}]]) elseif input_method == "file" then local table_str = the_table:to_string() local filename = tex.jobname .. "-" .. table_name .. ".table" local outfile =, "w") outfile:write(table_str) outfile:close() tex.print(string.format([[\input{%s}]], filename)) else raise_error(string.format("invalid input method '%s' for table '%s'", input_method, table_name)) end end function lpt_set_row_prop(table_name, index_expr, param) local the_table = _lpt_get_table(table_name) local index_parse = _lpt_parse_index_expr(index_expr) for key, val in ipairs(index_parse) do local fixed_val = the_table:fix_row_index(val) local l = fixed_val[1] local r = fixed_val[2] for i=l,r do local row = the_table.rows[i] if row == nil then raise_error(string.format("lpt_set_row_prop: invalid index expression '%s'", index_expr)) end for kkey, vval in pairs(param) do if rawget(row, kkey) == nil then raise_error(string.format("row '%d' of table '%s' does not have attribute '%s'", i, table_name, kkey)) end rawset(row, kkey, vval) end end end end function lpt_add_row(table_name, param) local the_table = _lpt_get_table(table_name) local nrows = #the_table.rows local ncols = the_table.ncols the_table:resize(nrows+1, ncols) lpt_set_row_prop(table_name, "-1", param) end function lpt_get_table_shape(table_name) local the_table = _lpt_get_table(table_name) local nrows = #the_table.rows local ncols = the_table.ncols tex.print(string.format("{%d}{%d}", nrows, ncols)) end