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pdfauthor={Thomas Kelkel}, pdfkeywords={tex, latex, ligatures} } \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{.4\baselineskip} \newcommand*{\q}[1]{% ›% #1% ‹% } \newcommand*{\qq}[1]{% »% #1% «% } \setlength{\footnotesep}{.8em} \deffootnote[0em]{0em}{1em}{} \newcommand*{\fn}[1]{% \footnotemark% \footnotetext{% \textbf{\addfontfeature{Numbers = Lining, BoldFont = Tangent-Bold}\thefootnote}% \hs% #1% }% } \newcommand*{\textnote}[1]{% {% \ttfamily% \char174{}% #1% \char174{}% }% } \usepackage{luacode} \begin{luacode} local FLOOR = math.floor local function round ( num, dec ) return FLOOR ( num * 10^dec + 0.5 ) / 10^dec end local p_array = {false, false, false, false, false} local p_counter = 0 local ID = node.id local NEW = node.new local COPY = node.copy local REM = node.remove local PREV = node.prev local NEXT = node.next local TAIL = node.tail local T_ID = node.traverse_id local T_GLYPH = node.traverse_glyph local INS_B = node.insert_before local GLYPH = ID ( "glyph" ) local GLUE = ID ( "glue" ) local KERN = ID ( "kern" ) local HLIST = ID ( "hlist" ) local SWAPPED = table.swapped local SUBTYPES = node.subtypes local SPACESKIP = SWAPPED ( SUBTYPES ("glue") )["spaceskip"] local WIDTH = round ( tex.sp ( "1.6em" ), 0 ) local ipairs = ipairs local page_counter = 0 local INS_A = node.insert_after local p_counter_x = 0 local ATC = luatexbase.add_to_callback local function make_marks ( head, char, id, array, counter ) for n in T_GLYPH ( head ) do if n.char == char then counter = counter + 1 array[counter] = {false, false, false} head = INS_B ( head, n, NEW ( GLYPH ) ) PREV ( n ).data = id local NEXT = n.next local inside_counter = 0 while NEXT.char ~= char do inside_counter = inside_counter + 1 array[counter][inside_counter] = COPY ( NEXT ) NEXT = NEXT.next REM ( head, NEXT.prev ) end head = REM ( head, NEXT ) head = REM ( head, n ) end end return head, array, counter end local function mark_notes ( head ) head, p_array, p_counter = make_marks ( head, 174, 427956, p_array, p_counter ) return head end local function make_margin_notes ( head, id, array, counter ) for n in T_ID ( HLIST, head ) do local first_kern = 0 local first_width = 0 for glyph_node in T_GLYPH ( n.head ) do if glyph_node.data == id then counter = counter + 1 local tail_node = TAIL ( n.head ) local glue_node = NEW ( GLUE ) glue_node.subtype = SPACESKIP glue_node.width = WIDTH local NEXT local switch_counter = 1 -- page_counter n.head = INS_A ( n.head, TAIL ( n.head ), glue_node ) if ( switch_counter % 2 == 0 ) then NEXT = glue_node else NEXT = tail_node end local kern_value = 0 for _, value in ipairs ( array[counter] ) do if value ~= false then local NUMBER = COPY ( value ) n.head = INS_A ( n.head, NEXT, NUMBER) if NEXT.next then NEXT = NEXT.next end if NUMBER.width then kern_value = kern_value - NUMBER.width end end end local kern_node = NEW ( KERN ) kern_node.kern = kern_value - glue_node.width if switch_counter % 2 ~= 0 then kern_node.kern = kern_node.kern - tex.hsize + first_kern n.head = INS_A ( n.head, tail_node, kern_node ) end if ( switch_counter % 2 == 0 ) and ( first_kern < 0 ) then kern_node.kern = kern_node.kern - first_kern + first_width - kern_value n.head = INS_A ( n.head, tail_node, kern_node ) end first_kern = kern_node.kern first_width = kern_value head = REM ( head, glyph_node ) end end end return head, counter end local function make_text_notes ( head ) page_counter = page_counter + 1 head, p_counter_x = make_margin_notes ( head, 427956, p_array, p_counter_x ) return head end ATC ( "ligaturing", mark_notes , "mark notes" ) ATC ( "pre_output_filter", make_text_notes , "count pages" ) \end{luacode} \flushbottom \nolig{ligtype}{lig|type} \begin{document} \title{The ligtype package\vspace{.25\baselineskip}\\\superlarge{}Comprehensive ligature suppression functionalities}% \author{\sublarge{}Thomas Kelkel\vspace{-.25\baselineskip}\\\sublarge{}kelkel@emaileon.de\vspace{-.25\baselineskip}}% \date{\addfontfeature{LetterSpace=2}\sublarge{}2023/07/08\quad{}v0.3}% \maketitle \ligtypeoff \vspace{-2\baselineskip} \tableofcontents \vspace{-\baselineskip} \addvspace{3em} \hfill\textit{\qq{I don't think you would ever do this in English}}\par \addvspace{-.25\baselineskip} \hfill {\small\textbf{David Carlisle}\quad} \vspace{-2\baselineskip} \section{Introduction} The main feature of this package is the selective suppression of typographic ligatures. There’s already the \mono{selnolig} package by Mico Loretan providing such capability. However, it has some significant shortcomings that render it barely applicable in many use cases. The \mono{ligtype} package steps in to address these deficiencies. The main improvements are: \paragraph{Kerning} The \mono{ligtype} package applies kerning for the glyphs of the suppressed ligatures. Both font and user kerning are applied in the usual way. \paragraph{Short-armed f} If available, it automatically replaces the f-glyphs of suppressed ligatures with their short-arm variant. \paragraph{Speed} It is between ten and twenty times faster on a typical document, thanks to its completely different architecture.\fn{This factor increases with the length of the paragraphs. On a 150-page paragraph, \monofn{ligtype} runs more than a hundred times faster.} \addvspace{\paragraphbs} Another, rather minor, difference is that it does not require \mono{fontspec}. \addvspace{\paragraphbs} \noindent The \mono{ligtype} package provides built-in suppression of inappropriate ligatures for \textbf{\addfontfeature{BoldFont = Tangent-Bold}German language documents.} (\kern.05emFor this purpose it makes use of the corresponding suppression rules provided by the \mono{selnolig} package, which cover all common f-ligatures\fn{Details can be taken from the \monofn{selnolig} documentation.}.) Using the \mono{nodefault} option and the \mono{\textbackslash{}nolig} and \mono{\textbackslash{}keeplig} macros it can also be used for other languages. Please note that Lua{\addfontfeature{LetterSpace = 2}\LaTeX} is required to use this package. Finally, a quick word regarding the code: It is optimized for speed throughout. It would have been much easier to provide a significantly shorter, clearer, more straightforward one. Unfortunately, with this software such code would not have been the fastest one. \section{Basic usage} To load the package, simply add the following line to the preamble of the document: \begin{quote} \mono{\textbackslash{}usepackage\{ligtype\}} \end{quote} If the glyphs forming the ligatures are already properly kerned and a German language document is typeset, loading the package without any options should be sufficient for most use cases. However, most of the time it will be the case that the corresponding glyphs have to be kerned first. For this task, the \mono{kerntest} option is extremely helpful. \section{Package options} Options can be loaded by adding them comma separated within square brackets: \begin{quote} \mono{\textbackslash{}usepackage[\textit{,,…}]\{ligtype\}} \end{quote} \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{kerntest} \textnote{kerntest}This option prints all glyph combinations that comprise the ligatures \mono{ligtype} is looking for in Regular, Italic, Bold and Italic Bold for both the Roman and the Sans font on the last page of the document. This gives you an overview of all kerning pairs that are relevant when breaking ligatures, and you can inspect the kerning values accordingly. \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{liglist} \textnote{liglist}Prints, both in the output and in an external file \mono{[filename].lig,} a sorted list of all kept and broken ligatures. White- and blacklists can be used in conjunction with this feature. For this \mono{lig-whitelist.txt} and \mono{lig-blacklist.txt} must be provided in the document path. In the whitelist the ligatures to be broken are listed in the blacklist the ligatures to be kept. According to the formatting in the output file, the breaking points are marked with a vertical bar in the whitelist and with a centered period in the blacklist. \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{makemarks} \textnote{makemarks}Marks each point where a ligature was suppressed with a blue triangle below the baseline. \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{noshortf} \textnote{noshortf}Various use cases are conceivable with this option. It is primarily intended to suppress the use of short-armed f if they are not desired. In addition, it may be useful to load this option when using fonts that do not offer short-armed f, since there is a small gain in speed if \mono{ligtype} does not look for them. Finally, this option could be used to prevent \qq{false positives}. (Even though such are not known to occur.) \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{allshortf} \textnote{allshortf}In some cases it may be desirable to use short-armed f without having different f-glyphs in the document. This option can be used for such purpose, since it replaces all long-armed f with their short-arm variant (if available). This option has priority over the \mono{noshortf} option, i.\,e. if both are loaded, \mono{allshortf} is applied. \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{nodefault} \textnote{nodefault}Disables the built-in (German language) suppression rules. With this option and the \mono{\textbackslash{}nolig} and \mono{\textbackslash{}keeplig} macros, \mono{ligtype} can be used for other languages. \section{Macros} \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{nolig} \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{keeplig} \textnote{\textbackslash{}nolig}The first macro defines a rule for suppressing ligatures, the second one for keeping them. Both macros take two arguments.\textnote{\textbackslash{}keeplig} The first one specifies the string to search for. In the second, a marker of the breaking point is added to this string using a vertical bar.\fn{The architecture of the \monofn{ligtype} package differs quite significantly from that of the \monofn{selnolig} package. To allow current users of \monofn{selnolig} to continue using existing macros for creating suppression rules as far as possible without changes, the syntax has been largely adopted. For the \monofn{\textbackslash{}nolig} macro it is identical. However, in contrast to the \monofn{selnolig} syntax, the breakpoint must be specified as a second argument for the \monofn{\textbackslash{}keeplig} macros, since \monofn{ligtype} requires this for every rule application.} For example: \begin{quote} \mono{\textbackslash{}nolig\{flich\}\{f|lich\}}\\ \mono{\textbackslash{}keeplig\{flicht\}\{f|licht\}} \end{quote} A list of alternatives that can be located at the end of the string can be specified within square brackets: \begin{quote} \mono{\textbackslash{}nolig\{Auff[aeiloruyäöü]\}\{Auf|f\}} \end{quote} It is important to note that macros are processed in the order in which they are defined, which means that strings defined later have priority over strings defined earlier. Accordingly, strings defined later should not be included in strings defined earlier, otherwise the earlier ones will have no effect. \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{ligtypeon} \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{ligtypeoff} \textnote{\textbackslash{}ligtypeon}With the help of these macros the features of the \mono{ligtype} package can be switched on and off within the document.\textnote{\textbackslash{}ligtypeoff} \section{Acknowledgements} The \mono{ligtype} package makes use of the German language ligature suppression rules of the \mono{selnolig} package by Mico Loretan. The \mono{selnolig} package can be downloaded at \begin{quote} \mono{https://www.ctan.org/pkg/selnolig} \end{quote} and may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License. Please see the \qq{License and acknowledgments} section of the \mono{selnolig} documentation to learn about all the people who contributed to the creation of the suppression rules. In general, the truly excellent \mono{selnolig} documentation is highly recommended for further information on the subject of this package. \section{License} This package is copyright © 2022\kern.1em–\kern.1em2023 Thomas Kelkel. It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. This work has the LPPL maintenance status \qq{author maintained}. \end{document}