% Kana Parser for LuaTeX % Author: Adam Zahumensky, FIT CVUT % initializer macro, use it before using any other macros in this package \def\parserInit{ \directlua{ dofile('kanaparser.lua') } } % supply a whitespace-separated list of syllables whose kana characters you'd like to toggle % list of supported alternatives ([] denotes default choice): % du : [づ], どぅ % ja : [じゃ], ぢゃ % ji : [じ], ぢ % jo : [じょ], ぢょ % ju : [じゅ], ぢゅ % we : [うぇ], ゑ % wo : [を], うぉ \def\toggleChars#1{\directlua{ toggleChars("\luatexluaescapestring{#1}") }} % convert all kana to latin \long\def\toLatin#1{\directlua{ toLatin("\luatexluaescapestring{#1}") }} % convert latin and katakana to hiragana \long\def\toHiragana#1{\directlua{ toHiragana("\luatexluaescapestring{#1}") }} % convert latin and hiragana to katakana \long\def\toKatakana#1{\directlua{ toKatakana("\luatexluaescapestring{#1}") }}