% !TeX program = LuaTeX \nopagenumbers % load package and store it in a global Lua variable \directlua{barracuda = require "barracuda"} \newbox\mybox ISBN test: \vskip10pt \leavevmode \directlua{barracuda:hbox("ean-isbn", "978-88-8154-348-9", "mybox")} \box\mybox \directlua{barracuda:hbox("ean-isbn", "978 88 8154 348 9", "mybox")} \box\mybox \vskip10pt \directlua{barracuda:hbox("ean-isbn+5", "978 88 8154 348 9-80026", "mybox")}% \box\mybox \vskip10pt ISBN 10 test, the 10-digits code is automatically converted in an ISBN 13 code: \vskip10pt \directlua{barracuda:hbox("ean-isbn", "1-78474-140-X", "mybox")}% \box\mybox \vskip10pt \directlua{barracuda:hbox("ean-isbn+5", "1-78474-140-X 12345", "mybox")}% \box\mybox \vskip10pt \directlua{barracuda:hbox("ean-isbn+2", "1-78474-140-X 99", "mybox")}% \box\mybox \vskip5pt ISBN Test: the value 'auto' for 'text\_isbn\_enabled' option means that the text above the symbol isn't printed if in the provided code does not have group chars or the length is not 10: \vskip5pt \leavevmode \directlua{barracuda:hbox("ean-isbn", "9788881543489", "mybox")} \box\mybox \directlua{barracuda:hbox("ean-isbn", "978-8881543489", "mybox")} \box\mybox \bye