\documentclass{ltxdoc} \title{Pat's Resume Template Documentation} \author{Patrick Benito Eberhard} \date{2025/03/02} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{Introduction} The \texttt{pats-resume} class is designed for elegant resume formatting. It includes features for setting personal information, adding sections and entries, and customizing the layout. \section{Usage} To use this class, include the following in your LaTeX document: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{pats-resume} \setname{Patrick} \setemail{pat@example.com} \setphone{+1234567890} \setlinkedin{linkedin.com/in/patrick} \setgithub{github.com/patrick} \begin{document} ... \end{document} \end{verbatim} \section{Class Options} The \texttt{pats-resume} class supports the following options: \begin{itemize} \item \texttt{9pt} - Sets the base font size to 9pt. \end{itemize} \section{Commands} The \texttt{pats-resume} class provides the following commands: \begin{itemize} \item \verb|\setname{}| - Sets the name. \item \verb|\setemail{}| - Sets the email. \item \verb|\setphone{}| - Sets the phone number. \item \verb|\setlinkedin{}| - Sets the LinkedIn profile. \item \verb|\setgithub{}| - Sets the GitHub profile. \end{itemize} \section{Environments} The \texttt{pats-resume} class provides the following environments: \begin{itemize} \item \verb|\ResumeSection{
}| - Creates a new resume section. \item \verb|\entry{}{<subtitle>}{<location>}{<date>}| - Adds an entry. \item \verb|\details{<details>}| - Adds details to an entry. \item \verb|\tools{<tools>}| - Adds tools used in an entry. \end{itemize} \section{Examples} Here is an example of a resume using the \texttt{pats-resume} class: \begin{verbatim} \documentclass{pats-resume} \setname{Patrick Benito Eberhard} \setemail{patrick@fictionalemail.com} \setphone{+1 (650) 000-0000} \setlinkedin{linkedin.com/in/patrick-benito} \setgithub{github.com/patrick-benito} \begin{document} \ResumeSection{Education} \entry{Skyline University}{MSc in Robotics and Intelligent Systems}{Techburg, Techland}{2023 –- 2025} \details{ \item Relevant courses: Autonomous Vehicle Navigation, Advanced Robot Control, AI for Robotics. \gpa{\item Current GPA: 9.8/10.0.} } \end{document} \end{verbatim} \end{document}