% From mitthesis package % Documentation: https://ctan.org/pkg/mitthesis \ProvidesFile{mitthesis-fira-newtxsf.tex}[2024/10/10 v1.06 Load Fira Sans text font with newtx sans serif math font and Inconsolata typewriter font] %% Adjusted sizes of text, math, and typewriter fonts, 2024/10/11 %% Fira Sans text font with newtx sans serif math font and Inconsolata typewriter font % \ifpdftex \ClassNoteNoLine{\ClassName}{Loading Fira sans text font with newtx sans serif math font and Inconsolata typewriter} \RequirePackage[U,T1]{fontenc} \RequirePackage[varqu,varl]{zi4} % inconsolata font for typewriter \RequirePackage[sfdefault,tabular,lf]{FiraSans} % sans serif text package % Use option lf to get lining figures rather than default, old style figures. Use tabular to get tabular figures, not proportional figures. % Best choice will vary, depending on what type of content you have. With some effort, these settings can be changed according to content, % See, e.g.: https://tex.stackexchange.com/q/114331/119566 \renewcommand\rmdefault{\fira@family} % roman font for math (e.g., for operators) and for \textrm{..} \RequirePackage[scaled=1.1]{newtxsf} % sans serif math; [noSTIXops] option suppresses STIX figures in favor of text font figures, % in the most recent versions of newtxsf, but using the following for backward compatibility. NB: 'figures' means numbers: 0123456789. % This matters, for example, in tables that mix text and math figures. \DeclareSymbolFont{mynumbers}{T1}{FiraSans-TLF}{m}{n} \DeclareMathSymbol{0}{\mathord}{mynumbers}{`0} \DeclareMathSymbol{1}{\mathord}{mynumbers}{`1} \DeclareMathSymbol{2}{\mathord}{mynumbers}{`2} \DeclareMathSymbol{3}{\mathord}{mynumbers}{`3} \DeclareMathSymbol{4}{\mathord}{mynumbers}{`4} \DeclareMathSymbol{5}{\mathord}{mynumbers}{`5} \DeclareMathSymbol{6}{\mathord}{mynumbers}{`6} \DeclareMathSymbol{7}{\mathord}{mynumbers}{`7} \DeclareMathSymbol{8}{\mathord}{mynumbers}{`8} \DeclareMathSymbol{9}{\mathord}{mynumbers}{`9} \RequirePackage{bm} \else \ClassWarning{\ClassName}{The fira-newtxsf font set requires pdflatex. Defaulting to LMR fonts} \RequirePackage[warnings-off={mathtools-colon,mathtools-overbracket}]{unicode-math} % suppress tiresome warnings about lack of integration between mathtools and unicode-math. % Unicode-math loads the fontspec package, but the default fonts are not selected by fontspec in this case. \fi