\documentclass{article} \usepackage[% web={tight,pro,usesf,usetemplates}, uselayers,eforms,aebxmp ]{aeb_pro} \usepackage{digicap-pro} \margins{.5in}{.5in}{24pt}{.5in} % left,right,top, bottom \screensize{4.8in}{6in} % height, width \renewcommand{\titleauthorproportion}{.4} \DeclareDocInfo { title=The DigiCap Pro Package\texorpdfstring{\\[1ex]}{: }Digital Captioning, author=D. P. Story, university=Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net, email=dpstory@acrotex.net, subject=Test file for the DigiCap Pro package, keywords={Captioning, opacity, layers, roll-over}, talksite=\url{http://www.acrotex.net}, talkdate={\today}, copyrightStatus=True, copyrightNotice={Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story}, copyrightInfoURL=http://www.acrotex.net } \talkdateLabel{Published:} \newcommand{\cs}[1]{\texttt{\char`\\#1}} \pagestyle{empty} \parskip6pt \parindent0pt \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{center} \digiCap[inclgraphicx={scale=.6},vcaption=b,hcaption=c,outerboxsep=0pt] {./digis/4CzSojSc}[borderwidth=0bp,fboxsep=10bp,bordercolor=nocolor,bgop=.7] {\bfseries\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\textcolor{red} {Yankees fire first salvo in rivalry with two-hitter}}\\\relax\footnotesize Chien-Ming Wang took a no-hitter into the fifth inning and surrendered just two hits in a complete-game gem as the Yankees beat the Red Sox, 4-1, on Friday at Fenway Park.}% \end{center} Two new commands \cs{graphicCaption} and \cs{graphicCaptionRollover} are introduced. These two use \cs{graphicxbox} and another new command called \cs{opcolorbox}. The above photo has a transparent caption at the bottom. This can be changed to a center or top positioning. This style of captioning (using a transparent background with text on top) is used not only on the \href{http://www.mlb.com}{MLB web site}, but in magazine layouts as well, such as the paper version of \href{http://www.tvguide.com}{TV GUIDE}. The background image and text were taken from \href{http://www.mlb.com}{www.mlb.com}. % use a command to set popular options. \def\myOpts{inclgraphicx={scale=.6},vcaption=b,hcaption=r,outerboxsep=0pt} \begin{center} \digiCap*[\myOpts,rollovername=YankeesRedSox]% {./digis/wobwRHNb}[borderwidth=0bp,fboxsep=10bp,bordercolor=nocolor,bgop=.7] {\parskip6pt\bfseries\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\textcolor{webblue}{Tribe rally falls short after Sabathia struggles}}\\\relax\footnotesize C.C. Sabathia had no answers for Oakland on Friday, allowing 12 hits in a 9-7 loss. The Tribe battled from an eight-run deficit but couldn't catch the A's.} \end{center} For the next three pages, the caption is hidden in a separate layer. Rollover the photo to see the caption. We stayed up late watching this rain-delayed game over the Internet. Late inning heroics fell short of the mark. Photos and descriptions of Indians action obtained from \href{http://indians.mlb.com}{indians.mlb.com}. \begin{center} \digiCap*[inclgraphicx={scale=.6},vcaption=t,hcaption=r,outerboxsep=0pt,rollovername=IndiansAs]% {./digis/xn2cpnQk}[borderwidth=4bp,fboxsep=10bp,width=.85\linewidth,bordercolor=nocolor,bgop=.7]% {\parskip6pt\bfseries\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\textcolor{webblue} {Free passes, missed chances hurt Tribe}}\\\relax\footnotesize Fausto Carmona issued eight walks in 3 1/3 innings, and the Indians scored just one run with the bases full and one out in Saturday's 7-3 loss to the A's.} \end{center} This was a disappointing game. The opposing team has several of their ``stars'' out of the line-up due to injuries, and we still could not beat them, thanks to the bad pitching performance of Fausto. Here the caption is \texttt{.85}\cs{linewidth}, it is placed at the top and has a right horizontal alignment. Note the \texttt{4bp} spacing between the caption and the edge of the photo, there are controls for this spacing. \begin{center} \digiCap*[inclgraphicx={scale=.6},vcaption=c,hcaption=l,outerboxsep=0pt, rollovername=IndiansAsThirdGame]{./digis/IiFUCdIQ}[borderwidth=4bp,fboxsep=10bp, bordercolor=blue,bgop=.7]{\parskip6pt\bfseries \makebox[\linewidth]{\textcolor{webblue}{Lee ices A's win streak with an eight-inning gem}}\\\relax\footnotesize Lee ices A's win streak with an eight-inning gem Cliff Lee retired 14 straight in a 7-1 Indians win over the A's on Sunday. Grady Sizemore had three RBIs as Cleveland halted its three-game skid.}% \end{center} The game on April 13th. My wife watched this while I assembled the new outdoor grill. You can place a transparent border around a caption, as illustrated above. This one goes the width of the image, you can have some separation around the border as well (not illustrated). \newpage \begin{center} \digiCap*[inclgraphicx={height=\textheight,width=\linewidth,keepaspectratio},% vcaption=c,hcaption=r,outerboxsep=0bp]{./digis/sciencefair}[width=.4\linewidth,% borderwidth=0bp,fboxsep=7bp,bordercolor=nocolor,bgcolor=webyellow,bgop=.6]{% \begin{minipage}[b][\graphicHeight-2\fboxsep-2\fboxrule]{\linewidth}\color{webbrown}\small\bfseries\parskip6pt A photo of the High School Science Fair project of my beloved son. The project tested a subject's reaction time while talking on a call-phone (hands-on and hands-free) and while distracted. A statistical analysis of the data was performed on the data. The results were inconclusive. This caption demonstrates that it is possible to create a vertical caption, positioned on the left, right or in the center. \end{minipage} }\\[6pt] My son's science fair project. \end{center} \end{document}