% This file is embedded in datatool-user.pdf version 3.1 2025-03-10 % Example 91 Using \DTLforeach to Display Data in a Table with a Running Total Column % Label: "ex:foreachextracol" % arara: pdflatex % arara: pdfcrop \documentclass[12pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{datatool} \DTLsetup{store-datum,default-name=products} % define database: \DTLaction{new} % add columns in desired order: \DTLaction[key=Title]{add column} \DTLaction[key=Author]{add column} \DTLaction[key=Format]{add column} \DTLaction[key=Quantity]{add column} \DTLaction[key=Price,value={Price (\$)}]{add column} % 1st row: \DTLaction[ assign={ Title = {The Adventures of Duck and Goose}, Author = {Sir Quackalot}, Format = paperback, Quantity = 3, Price = {10.99} } ]{new row} % 2nd row: \DTLaction[ assign={ Title = {The Return of Duck and Goose}, Author = {Sir Quackalot}, Format = paperback, Quantity = 5, Price = {19.99} } ]{new row} % 3rd row: \DTLaction[ assign={ Title = {More Fun with Duck and Goose}, Author = {Sir Quackalot}, Format = paperback, Quantity = 1, Price = {12.99} } ]{new row} % 4th row: \DTLaction[ assign={ Title = {Duck and Goose on Holiday}, Author = {Sir Quackalot}, Format = paperback, Quantity = 3, Price = {11.99} } ]{new row} % 5th row: \DTLaction[ assign={ Title = {The Return of Duck and Goose}, Author = {Sir Quackalot}, Format = hardback, Quantity = 3, Price = {19.99} } ]{new row} % 6th row: \DTLaction[ assign={ Title = {The Adventures of Duck and Goose}, Author = {Sir Quackalot}, Format = hardback, Quantity = 9, Price = {18.99} } ]{new row} % 7th row: \DTLaction[ assign={ Title = {My Friend is a Duck}, Author = {A. Parrot}, Format = paperback, Quantity = 20, Price = {14.99} } ]{new row} % 8th row: \DTLaction[ assign={ Title = {Annotated Notes on the ‘Duck and Goose’ chronicles}, Author = {Prof Macaw}, Format = ebook, Quantity = 10, Price = {8.99} } ]{new row} % 9th row: \DTLaction[ assign={ Title = {‘Duck and Goose’ Cheat Sheet for Students}, Author = {Polly Parrot}, Format = ebook, Quantity = 50, Price = {5.99} } ]{new row} % 10th row: \DTLaction[ assign={ Title = {‘Duck and Goose’: an allegory for modern times?}, Author = {Bor Ing}, Format = hardback, Quantity = 0, Price = {59.99} } ]{new row} % 11th row: \DTLaction[ assign={ Title = {Oh No! The Chickens have Escaped!}, Author = {Dickie Duck}, Format = ebook, Quantity = 11, Price = {2.0} } ]{new row} \begin{document} \newcommand{\runningtotal}{0} \begin{tabular}{lrrr} \toprule \bfseries Title & \bfseries Quantity & \bfseries Price & \bfseries Total% \DTLforeach*{products}% database {\theTitle=Title,\theQuantity=Quantity,\thePrice=Price}% assignments {% \DTLiffirstrow{\\\midrule}{\\}\theTitle & \theQuantity & \thePrice & \DTLmul{\theTotal}{\theQuantity}{\thePrice}% \DTLround{\theTotal}{\theTotal}{2}% \DTLgadd{\runningtotal}{\runningtotal}{\theTotal}% \theTotal }% \\\midrule & & & \runningtotal \end{tabular} \end{document}