% This file is embedded in datatool-user.pdf version 3.1 2025-03-10 % Example 31 Conditionals (fp) % Label: "ex:fpif" % arara: pdflatex % arara: pdfcrop \documentclass[12pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \usepackage[math=fp]{datatool-base} \newcommand{\numducks}{4} \begin{document} \edef\test{There \dtlifnumeq{\numducks}{1}{is 1 duck}{are \numducks\space ducks}.} \texttt{\meaning\test} Test text: \test \edef\test{There are \dtlifnumlt{\numducks}{10}{less than}{not less than} 10 ducks.} \texttt{\meaning\test} Test text: \test \edef\test{There are \dtlifnumgt{\numducks}{10}{more than}{not more than} 10 ducks.} \texttt{\meaning\test} Test text: \test \edef\test{There \dtlifnumopenbetween{\numducks}{4}{10}{are}{are not} between 4 and 10 ducks (exclusive).} \texttt{\meaning\test} Test text: \test \edef\test{There \dtlifnumclosedbetween{\numducks}{4}{10}{are}{are not} between 4 and 10 ducks (inclusive).} \texttt{\meaning\test} Test text: \test \end{document}