% This file is part of PSNFSS 9.2 \listfiles \documentclass{article} \usepackage{geometry} %\pagestyle{empty} \usepackage[sc,osf,slantedGreek]{mathpazo} \linespread{1.08} % Palatino needs more leading \usepackage[scaled]{helvet} \usepackage{courier} \parindent=0pt \pagestyle{empty} \normalfont \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \begin{document} \begin{center} \scshape\Large Sebastian's math test \end{center} The default math mode font is $Math\ Italic$. This should not be confused with ordinary \emph{Text Italic} -- notice the different spacing\,! \verb|\mathbf| produces bold roman letters: $ \mathbf{abcABC} $. If you wish to embolden complete formulas, use the \verb|\boldmath| command \emph{before} going into math mode. This changes the default math fonts to bold. \begin{tabular}{ll} \texttt{normal} & $ x = 2\pi \Rightarrow x \simeq 6.28 $\\ \texttt{mathbf} & $\mathbf{x} = 2\pi \Rightarrow \mathbf{x} \simeq 6.28 $\\ \texttt{boldmath} & {\boldmath $x = \mathbf{2}\pi \Rightarrow x \simeq{\mathbf{6.28}} $}\\ \end{tabular} \smallskip Greek is available in upper and lower case: $\alpha,\beta \dots \Omega$, and there are special symbols such as $ \hbar$. The following letters should be upright: $\upGamma, \upDelta\dots \upOmega$. Digits in formulas $1, 2, 3\dots$ may differ from those in text: 4, 5, 6\dots There is a calligraphic alphabet \verb|\mathcal| for upper case letters $ \mathcal{ABCDE}\dots $, and there are letters for number sets: $\mathbb{A\dots Z} $, which are produced using \verb|\mathbb|. \begin{equation} \sigma(t)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \int^t_0 e^{-x^2/2} dx \end{equation} \begin{equation} \prod_{j\geq 0} \left(\sum_{k\geq 0}a_{jk} z^k\right) = \sum_{k\geq 0} z^n \left( \sum_{{k_0,k_1,\ldots\geq 0} \atop{k_0+k_1+\ldots=n} } a{_0k_0}a_{1k_1}\ldots \right) \end{equation} \begin{equation} \pi(n) = \sum_{m=2}^{n} \left\lfloor \left(\sum_{k=1}^{m-1} \lfloor(m/k)/\lceil m/k\rceil \rfloor \right)^{-1} \right\rfloor \end{equation} \begin{equation} \{\underbrace{% \overbrace{\mathstrut a,\ldots,a}^{k\ a's}, \overbrace{\mathstrut b,\ldots,b}^{l\ b's}} _{k+l\ \mathrm{elements}} \} \end{equation} \[ \mbox{W}^+\ \begin{array}{l} \nearrow\raise5pt\hbox{$\mu^+ + \nu_{\mu}$}\\ \rightarrow \pi^+ +\pi^0 \\[5pt] \rightarrow \kappa^+ +\pi^0 \\ \searrow\lower5pt\hbox{$\mathrm{e}^+ +\nu_{\scriptstyle\mathrm{e}}$} \end{array} \] \[ \frac{\pm \left|\begin{array}{ccc} x_1-x_2 & y_1-y_2 & z_1-z_2 \\ l_1 & m_1 & n_1 \\ l_2 & m_2 & n_2 \end{array}\right|}{ \sqrt{\left|\begin{array}{cc}l_1&m_1\\ l_2&m_2\end{array}\right|^2 + \left|\begin{array}{cc}m_1&n_1\\ n_1&l_1\end{array}\right|^2 + \left|\begin{array}{cc}m_2&n_2\\ n_2&l_2\end{array}\right|^2}} \] Mathematical accents: \[ \mbox{ acute=}\acute{a} \mbox{ grave=}\grave{a} \mbox{ ddot=}\ddot {a} \mbox{ tilde=}\tilde{a} \mbox{ bar=}\bar {a} \mbox{ breve=}\breve{a} \mbox{ check=}\check{a} \mbox{ hat=}\hat {a} \mbox{ vec=}\vec {a} \mbox{ dot=}\dot {a} \] \end{document}