% (c) 2001-2004 Javier Bezos input: 2; output: 1; states: acc, end; aliases: topaccent = (@"0300-@"0315 | @"031A-@"031B | @"033D-@"0344); botaccent = (@"0316-@"0319 | @"031C-@"0333 | @"0339-@"033C | @"0345); overaccent = (@"0334-@"0338); accent = (@"0300-@"0345); expressions: % Combine if composed form not in main font ^({accent}) {topaccent} {topaccent} {accent} => <= \4 "c{" \3 "c{" \2 "l{" \1 "}}}" @"1B ; ^({accent}) {topaccent} {botaccent} {topaccent} => <= \3 "c{" \4 "c{" \2 "l{" \1 "}}}" @"1B ; ^({accent}) {botaccent} {topaccent} {topaccent} => <= \2 "c{" \4 "c{" \3 "l{" \1 "}}}" @"1B ; ^({accent}) {topaccent} {accent} => <= \3 "c{" \2 "l{" \1 "}}" @"1B ; ^({accent}) {botaccent} {topaccent} => <= \2 "c{" \3 "l{" \1 "}}" @"1B ; ^({accent}) {accent} => <= \2 "l{" \1 "}" @"1B ; @"1B => ; [COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{768}"; [COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{u}{768}"; [COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{769}"; [COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{u}{769}"; [COMBINING CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{770}"; [COMBINING CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{u}{770}"; [COMBINING TILDE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{771}"; [COMBINING TILDE BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{u}{771}"; [COMBINING MACRON] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{772}"; [COMBINING MACRON BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{u}{772}"; [COMBINING OVERLINE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{773}"; [COMBINING BREVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{774}"; [COMBINING BREVE BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{u}{774}"; [COMBINING DOT ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{775}"; [COMBINING DOT BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{u}{775}"; [COMBINING DIAERESIS] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{776}"; [COMBINING DIAERESIS BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{u}{776}"; [COMBINING HOOK ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{777}"; [COMBINING RING ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{778}"; [COMBINING RING BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{u}{778}"; [COMBINING DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{779}"; [COMBINING CARON] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{780}"; [COMBINING CARON BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{u}{780}"; [COMBINING VERTICAL LINE ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{781}"; [COMBINING DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{782}"; [COMBINING DOUBLE GRAVE ACCENT] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{783}"; [COMBINING CANDRABINDU] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{784}"; [COMBINING INVERTED BREVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{785}"; [COMBINING TURNED COMMA ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{786}"; [COMBINING COMMA ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{787}"; [COMBINING REVERSED COMMA ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{788}"; [COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{790}"; [COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{791}"; [COMBINING LEFT TACK BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{792}"; [COMBINING RIGHT TACK BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{793}"; [COMBINING LEFT HALF RING BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{796}"; [COMBINING UP TACK BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{797}"; [COMBINING DOWN TACK BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{798}"; [COMBINING PLUS SIGN BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{799}"; [COMBINING MINUS SIGN BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{800}"; [COMBINING DOT BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{803}"; [COMBINING DIAERESIS BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{804}"; [COMBINING RING BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{805}"; [COMBINING COMMA BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{806}"; [COMBINING CEDILLA] => "\UseMemAccent{c}{807}"; [COMBINING OGONEK] => "\UseMemAccent{k}{808}"; [COMBINING VERTICAL LINE BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{809}"; [COMBINING BRIDGE BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{810}"; [COMBINING INVERTED DOUBLE ARCH BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{811}"; [COMBINING CARON BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{812}"; [COMBINING CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{813}"; [COMBINING BREVE BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{814}"; [COMBINING INVERTED BREVE BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{815}"; [COMBINING TILDE BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{816}"; [COMBINING MACRON BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{817}"; [COMBINING LOW LINE] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{818}"; [COMBINING DOUBLE LOW LINE] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{819}"; [COMBINING RIGHT HALF RING BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{825}"; [COMBINING INVERTED BRIDGE BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{826}"; [COMBINING SQUARE BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{827}"; [COMBINING SEAGULL BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{828}"; [COMBINING X ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{829}"; [COMBINING VERTICAL TILDE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{830}"; [COMBINING DOUBLE OVERLINE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{831}"; [COMBINING GRAVE TONE MARK] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{832}"; [COMBINING ACUTE TONE MARK] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{833}"; [COMBINING GREEK PERISPOMENI] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{834}"; [COMBINING GREEK KORONIS] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{835}"; [COMBINING GREEK DIALYTIKA TONOS] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{836}"; [COMBINING BRIDGE ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{838}"; [COMBINING EQUALS SIGN BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{839}"; [COMBINING DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{840}"; [COMBINING LEFT ANGLE BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{841}"; [COMBINING NOT TILDE ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{842}"; [COMBINING HOMOTHETIC ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{843}"; [COMBINING ALMOST EQUAL TO ABOVE] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{844}"; [COMBINING LEFT RIGHT ARROW BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{845}"; [COMBINING UPWARDS ARROW BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{b}{846}"; [COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER A] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{867}"; [COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER E] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{868}"; [COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER I] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{869}"; [COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER O] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{870}"; [COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER U] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{871}"; [COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER C] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{872}"; [COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER D] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{873}"; [COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER H] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{874}"; [COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER M] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{875}"; [COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER R] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{876}"; [COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER T] => "\UseMemAccent{t}{877}"; [COMBINING COMMA BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{p}{,}"; [COMBINING DOT BELOW] => "\UseMemAccent{p}{.}"; % PUA -> ASCII @"E125 => "\MemMoveOtherChar\%"; % as a special case (37). (@"E100-@"E17F) => "\MemMoveOtherChar\" #(\1 - @"E100); % Glyphs in main font with same value as Unicode characters (@"0020-@"02FD|@"034F-@"035F|@"1E00-@"1EFD|@"2000-@"206D) => \1;