% % graphicpdoc.tex: documentation of GraphicP, a LaTeX source file % by pts@fazekas.hu at Mon Feb 10 00:07:07 CET 2003 % \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[latin2]{inputenc} %\usepackage[magyar]{babel}% for testing the active ` \usepackage[english]{babel} %\usepackage{ascii} %\usepackage{pts_cs} %\usepackage{t1enc} \paperheight=297mm \paperwidth=210mm \expandafter\ifx\csname pdfoutput\endcsname\relax% \special{papersize=595bp,842bp}% \else% \pdfoutput=1% \pdfcompresslevel=9% \pdfpagewidth=595bp \pdfpageheight=842bp% \pdfpageattr={/CropBox [0 0 595 842]}% \fi% \hoffset=2cm \voffset=2cm \textheight=\paperheight \advance\textheight by -2\voffset \textwidth =\paperwidth \advance\textwidth by -2\hoffset \advance\hoffset by -1in \advance\voffset by -1in \topmargin=0cm% \headheight=0cm% \headsep=0cm% \marginparsep=0cm% \marginparwidth=0cm% \oddsidemargin=0cm% \evensidemargin=0cm% csak páratlan oldalak E twoside nélkül \footskip=15pt% a sorszám basline-ja a szöveg alsó bl-jától \relax% \def\product/{\textsf{GraphicP}} \def\tokenfbox#1{{\fboxrule=0.2pt \fboxsep=1pt \fbox{\textex{#1}}}} \def\aproduct#1{\textsf{#1}} \makeatletter %** Example: \bchar\\ \def\bchar#1{\expandafter\@gobble\string#1}% \title{Documentation of \product/} \author{Szab\'o P\'eter\\\texttt{}} \begin{document} \makeatletter \def\@listi{% \begin{document} után kell! \leftmargin=\leftmargini% \topsep=5pt plus3pt minus1pt% %\partopsep=0pt% \parsep=0.5pt plus0.5pt minus0.5pt% \itemsep=3pt plus3pt minus1pt% %\parsep=0pt \itemsep=0pt % works fine }% \maketitle \begin{abstract} This is the documentation of \product/, a system that provides an easy, fast and reliable method for including external images into {\LaTeX} and plain {\TeX} documents. The \texttt{\bchar\\includegraphics} macro of \product/ is a drop-in replacement of the same command of {\LaTeX} \texttt{graphics.sty} and \texttt{graphicx.sty}, but with many enhancements. Input images are ususally in EPS or PDF format. Drivers for \aproduct{xdvi}, \aproduct{dvips}, \aproduct{pdftex} and \aproduct{dvipdfm} are included. Perl scripts are provided for faster bounding box manipulations. \end{abstract} \section{Availability and usage} You can download \product/ from \texttt{http://www.inf.bme.hu/\textasciitilde pts/graphicp-latest.tar.gz}. Load \product/ with \texttt{\bchar\\usepackage\bchar\{graphicp\bchar\}} instead of \texttt{\bchar\\usepackage\bchar\{graphicx\bchar\}}. Use the \texttt{\bchar\\includegra\allowbreak phics} macro as usual, but beware of the differences. \section{Quick feature list} Features over {\LaTeX} \texttt{\bchar\\usepackage\bchar\{graphicx\bchar\}}: \begin{itemize} \item both plain TeX and LaTeX support \item specified width=... and height=... are strictly enforced, without rounding \item image scaling calculations are much more accurate \item works with \textit{dvips -E} bounding-box calculations, even with buggy dvips 5.86e \item doesn't have to open the .eps file for reading the bbox \item xdvi doesn't forcibly crop (clip) the image to the bbox \item Below feature: allows the image descend below the baseline (supports depth, not only width and height) \item drop dependency on Perl, parse Adobe DSC comments in EPS files \item non-standard, quick, DSC-like parsing for special PDF files \item an enhanced \aproduct{epstopdf} utility \item the \aproduct{img\textunderscore bbox.pl} utility \item the \aproduct{pdfboxes.pl} utility \item voluntary clipping (cropping) \item all 8 mirror and rotate transformation (must be a multipe of 90 degrees) \item does not rely on the filename to determine the FileFormat \item embeds each image file only once with pdfTeX and dvipdfm \item {}[long term plan] imtrix: unified PSTricks/PSFrag support for EPS and PDF \end{itemize} \section{Further reading} The full documentation hasn't been written yet. See the file \texttt{graphicp.sty} for more information. To see samples, try the following compilation procedures: \begin{verbatim} tex laltest # or: latex laltest xdvi laltest dvips -o laltest.ps laltest dvipdfm -v laltest xpdf laltest.pdf \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} pdftex laltest # or: pdflatex laltest xpdf laltest.pdf \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} latex '\def\graphicPdriver{dvips}\input laltest' xdvi laltest dvips -o laltest.ps laltest \end{verbatim} \begin{verbatim} tex '\def\graphicPdriver{dvipdfm}\input laltest' dvipdfm -v laltest xpdf laltest.pdf \end{verbatim} \end{document}