% Template for a single WLG article % % DOCUMENT CLASS OPTIONS: % % titlepage=specialprint Output special print ("Sonderdruck") title page % suitable for single articles % titlepage=issue Output title page for whole journal issue % type=paper|review Paper or Review article? (default: paper) % biblatex=true Load biblatex (with univie-ling style) internally % covington=false Do not load covingtion package (Linguistic macros) % expertfonts=true Use MinionPro instead of Crimson \documentclass[titlepage=specialprint,type=review]{univie-ling-wlg} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Supported languages: naustrian, ngerman, english \RequirePackage[ngerman,naustrian]{babel} % This is just for the dummy text % Remove this and the \blind... macros for real documents \usepackage{blindtext} % Custom blindtext (Austrian not supported by blindtext package) \newcommand*{\blindtextAT}{\foreignlanguage{ngerman}{\blindtext}} \newcommand*{\blindlistAT}{\foreignlanguage{ngerman}{\blindlistlist[3]{itemize}}} % % EDITORIAL SETTINGS % % Start page number (default: 1) %\startpage{15} % Journal issue number and year \issue{80}{2017} % Title and subtitle of special issue %\issuetitle{Titel des Themenhefts} %\issuesubtitle{Untertitel des Themenhefts} % Editor(s) of special issue %\issueeditors{Vorname Name, Vorname Name und Vorname Name} \begin{document} % \aff: affiliationaof authors. The starred version marks the corresponding author [m = male] [f = female] [p = plural] \author[Pan \and Meier]{Peter Pan\aff{Peter Pan, Institut für Experimentellen Bl\"odsinn, 66890 Neverland, pan@ieb.nv} \and Paula Meier\aff*[f]{Paula Meier, Institut für Angewandten Unsinn, 11201 Utopos, meier@iau.edu}} \title[Kurztitel für die Kopfzeile]{Titel des besprochenen Werks} % This lets you set a fixed publication date (by default, \today is used) % \date{12. Dezember 2021} \maketitle \section{Abschnitt} \motto[Quelle]{Ein schickes Motto} \blindtextAT \begin{displayquote} % dummy text \blindtextAT \end{displayquote} % dummy text \blindtextAT % dummy list \blindlistAT % dummy text \blindtextAT % dummy list \blindlistAT \end{document}