\chapter{Including PDFs}\label{sec:includingpdfs} \warning{While it is possible to have horizontal pages with the page numbers centered on the bottom long edge, I \textit{DO NOT} recommended it. This is because, while it looks okay in a digital format, this is not suitable for printing... this would print page numbers on the side of the page rather than consistently on the bottom or in the heading.} The package that is used to include PDF's is \pkg{pdfpages}. This provide the main command \cmd{includepdf} that can be used to include a PDF. Further, this package provides another command, \cmd{includepdfset}, that can be used in the start of the document to pre-set some of the default values. This class file detects the presence of this package and invokes this command as follows: \begin{lstlisting}[float=ht,caption=,label=lst:pdfDefaults,style=LaTeXStyle,basicstyle=\ttfamily,] \includepdfset{pages=-,scale=0.85,pagecommand=\thispagestyle{STYLE}} \end{lstlisting} Where \opt{pages=-} defaults to including all pages from the PDF and \opt{scale=0.85} scales the inserted PDF to 85\% of its original size, so that the documents fit within the page's margins, headers, and footers. Further, the option \opt{pagecommand=\cmd{thispagestyle}\mopt{STYLE}} sets the pagestyle for the PDF pages, where, \texttt{STYLE} is replaced with the current pagestyle\footnote{To change the pagestyle of this one can add or remove the class option \opt{fancyheaders}.} that is in use. \section{How to Insert a Portrait PDF} To insert a portrait-oriented PDF into your LaTeX document, you can use the \pkg{pdfpages} package, which provides a convenient way to include external PDF files. The following code snippet demonstrates how to include a portrait PDF with the specified options: \begin{lstlisting}[float=ht,caption=,label=lst:portraitPDF,style=LaTeXStyle,basicstyle=\ttfamily,] \includepdf{./99_Inclusions/PDFs/examplePDF} \end{lstlisting} \includepdf{./99_Inclusions/PDFs/examplePDF} \section{How to Insert a Landscape PDF} Inserting a landscape-oriented PDF is similarly straightforward using the \pkg{pdfpages} package. The code snippet below demonstrates how to include a landscape PDF: \begin{lstlisting}[float=ht,caption=,label=lst:landscapePDF,style=LaTeXStyle,basicstyle=\ttfamily,] \includepdf[landscape=true]{./99_Inclusions/PDFs/landscapePDF} \end{lstlisting} Here, \opt{landscape} sets the orientation to landscape. This configuration ensures that your landscape PDF is correctly oriented and properly sized within your document. \includepdf[landscape]{./99_Inclusions/PDFs/landscapePDF}