\begin{sfragment}{Introduction} The \pkg{hwexam} package and class supplies an infrastructure that allows to format nice-looking assignment sheets by simply including problems from problem files marked up with the \pkg{problem} package. It is designed to be compatible with |problems.sty|, and inherits some of the functionality. \end{sfragment} \begin{sfragment}{Package Options} \begin{variable}{solutions,notes,hints,gnotes,pts,min} The \pkg{hwexam} package and class take the options |solutions|, |notes|, |hints|, |gnotes|, |pts|, |min|, and |boxed| that are just passed on to the \pkg{problems} package (cf. its documentation for a description of the intended behavior). \end{variable} Furthermore, the \pkg{hwexam} package takes the option \DescribeMacro{multiple}|multiple| that allows to combine multiple assignment sheets into a compound document (the assignment sheets are treated as section, there is a table of contents, etc.). Finally, there is the option \DescribeMacro{test}|test| that modifies the behavior to facilitate formatting tests. Only in |test| mode, the macros |\testspace|, |\testnewpage|, and |\testemptypage| have an effect: they generate space for the students to solve the given problems. Thus they can be left in the {\LaTeX} source. \end{sfragment} \begin{sfragment}{Assignments} This package supplies the \DescribeEnv{assignment}|assignment| environment that groups problems into assignment sheets. It takes an optional KeyVal argument with the keys \DescribeMacro{number}|number| (for the assignment number; if none is given, 1 is assumed as the default or --- in multi-assignment documents --- the ordinal of the |assignment| environment), \DescribeMacro{title}|title| (for the assignment title; this is referenced in the title of the assignment sheet), \DescribeMacro{type}|type| (for the assignment type; e.g. ``quiz'', or ``homework''), \DescribeMacro{given}|given| (for the date the assignment was given), and \DescribeMacro{due}|due| (for the date the assignment is due). \end{sfragment} \begin{sfragment}{Including Assignments} \begin{function}{\inputassignment} The |\inputassignment| macro can be used to input an assignment from another file. It takes an optional KeyVal argument and a second argument which is a path to the file containing the problem (the macro assumes that there is only one |assignment| environment in the included file). The keys |number|, |title|, |type|, |given|, and |due| are just as for the |assignment| environment and (if given) overwrite the ones specified in the |assignment| environment in the included file. \end{function} \end{sfragment} \begin{sfragment}{Typesetting Exams} The \DescribeEnv{testheading}|\testheading| takes an optional keyword argument where the keys \DescribeMacro{duration}|duration| specifies a string that specifies the duration of the test, \DescribeMacro{min}|min| specifies the equivalent in number of minutes, and \DescribeMacro{reqpts}|reqpts| the points that are required for a perfect grade. \begin{stexcode} \title{320101 General Computer Science (Fall 2010)} \begin{testheading}[duration=one hour,min=60,reqpts=27] Good luck to all students! \end{testheading} \end{stexcode} Will result in \begin{center} \begin{minipage}{.9\textwidth} \makeatletter %^^A\@problem{1.1}{4}{10} %^^A\@problem{2.1}{4}{8} %^^A\@problem{2.2}{6}{10} %^^A\@problem{2.3}{6}{10} %^^A\@problem{3.1}{4}{8} %^^A\@problem{3.2}{4}{8} %^^A\@problem{3.3}{2}{4} \makeatother \title{320101 General Computer Science (Fall 2010)} \begin{testheading}[duration=one hour,min=60,reqpts=27] good luck \end{testheading} \end{minipage} \end{center} \footnote{MK: The first three ``problems'' come from the stex examples above, how do we get rid of this?} \end{sfragment} %%% Local Variables: %%% mode: latex %%% TeX-master: "../stex-manual" %%% End: % LocalWords: hwexam solutions,notes,hints,gnotes,pts,min gnotes testemptypage reqpts % LocalWords: inputassignment reqpts hour,min 60,reqpts